GSG1030, Contemporary Geology, PART 1: Properties of Tsunami

Name:_______________________ ________________

1.1 Potential sources of tsunami within a 1000 km radius of the Virgin Islands:

1.2  Velocity for a tsunami where the water depth is 5000 m:

Velocity (m/sec):__________________

1.3  Time it takes for the tsunami to reach the Virgin Islands:


1.4   Depth of the water over most of the Caribbean basin:

1.5  Velocity for a tsunami crossing the Caribbean (in Km/minute):  (in kilometers/hour):  NOTE: V = d/t

"50" - "150" distance:__________________  Average velocity (km/min):__________________  Average velocity (km/hr):__________________

1.6  Average depth to the sea floor:

Depth to sea floor:__________________

1.7  Time it takes for the wave to pass beneath the boat (in minutes):


1.8  Time it takes for boat to be lifted 100 cm (in minutes):

Time to lift boat 100 cm:__________________

1.9  Rate of uplift of the sea surface:  NOTE: average velocity of uplift, v = d/t.

Rate of uplift:__________________