

Our Lab

Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM)

Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM)

Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)

Research Quartz Crystal Microbalance (RQCM) Studies

Ultra High Vacuum (UHV) capability

Current and Past Research Projects/Capabilities

Viscosity, Surface Tension, Contact Angle Measurements using the RQCM

Viscosity Measurement of Martian Atmosphere for NASA

UHV monolayer sample preparation and QCM measurements

Investigation of Nanobubbles using QCM

Diet Coke and Mentos: What is really behind this reaction?

Finding the heat of adsorption for alcohols on silicon dioxide using QCM in UHV

AFM imaging of Neanderthal Stone Tools

Combining QCM/AFM Techniques

Nanoscale Thermal Analysis of Organic Semiconductors for Solar Cell Application


Lab Alumni:

John Ferguson, Fall 2004

Dustin Stansbury, Spring 2005

Jon M. Jones, Spring 2005 - Spring 2008

Heather Nemetz, Fall 2005-Fall 2006

Brandon McGuire, Fall 2005-Summer 2006

Zach Russell, Fall 2006-Fall 2007

Dennis Gilfillan, Summer 2006

Matt Cass, Spring 2006

Cully Little, Summer 2007-Summer 2008

AJ Hall, Summer 2007-Spring 2008

Magdalena Jaramillo, Summer 2007

Thomas Clay Van Buren, Fall 2008-Present

Isaac and Zachary Bryan, Summer 2009-Spring 2010

Nathan Faulks, Spring 2010-Summer 2011

Kyle Kelley, Fall 2011-Present