(meant for reviewers/individuals who would like to view the full text of the instructions for the experiments)
David Dickinson
Appalachian State University
(links updated Spring 2007)
[Fact-Finding instructions in collaboration with
Hunnicut (Pacific Lutheran University)]
These instructions are in pdf format, and each file is a document containing snapshots of each of the experimental instructions pages (with pages in their logical sequence). Some pages are cropped to save space, but subjects see full page in all instructions (pages are only cropped in these files if there is blank space on that particular page that contains no experiment information). During the actual experiments, subjects read the general instructions first (either A or B depending on which disputant the subject was randomly assigned to be). After general instructions, the instruction then move on to the appropriate set of instructions for the specific dispute resolution procedure. Once subjects finish a given set of rounds of a particular dispute resolution procedure, the specific instructions for a different set of dispute resolution procedure appears on the subjects' screens. This continues for the duration of the experiment until the end, at which point a demographic questionnaire shows up for subjects to complete prior to getting paid and exiting the experiment.
Click the particular set of instructions below that
you would like to view.*
*(See HERE for a snapshot
of the experimental bargaining interface)
General Instructions
1a) General
Instructions for Player A
1b) General
Instructions for Player B
Instructions Specific to the Dispute Resolution
2) No Arbitration
3) Conventional Arbitration
4) Final Offer Arbitration
5) Double Offer Arbitration.......sample
screens are shown for a=.25
6) Combined Arbitration (Standard)
7) Combined
Arbitration (Modified)........sample screens are shown for d=60
Arbitration where arbitrator
place weight on midpoint of bargainers' final offers and its own
settlement choice.
9) Fact-Finder (gamma certain)....sample
screens shown for gamma=.20
10) Fact-Finder (gamma certain, but
arbitrator also places weight on midpoint of bargainers' final offers)
11) Fact-Finder recommendation with
destroy-the-pie if no agreement (i.e., no arbitration following)
If you have any questions about these experimental instructions please feel free to contact David Dickinson at (828) 262-7652 (fax (828) 262-6105) (e-mail dickinsondl@appstate.edu)