Instructor: Jeff Goodman
Office: EDH 112-D
Office Hours: Tuesday 7-8, 9:30-11, 12:30-3:30, 5:00-6:30
Thursday 7-8, 9:30-11, 5:00-6:30 or by appointment
Office Phone: 262.2176
Home Phone: 828.675.9061
E-mail Address:
Media Lab EDH 212: phone 262.6090
Curriculum and Instruction Equipment Checkout at Room 113C: MWF
9-11, TR 1-3
Class web page:
Course Description:
Students view and analyze a variety of non-fiction films and videos
in terms of both form and content. Emphasis is placed on understanding
the wide range of purposes for which non-fiction programs are made, and
on examining the variety of techniques used to achieve those purposes.
Students also engage in hands-on experiences capturing reality on videotape
as they explore what happens to reality when it is shaped into a film or
Course Goals:
At the completion of the course, each student will be able to view
non-fiction film more critically and to better understand how any program
differs from the reality being documented. In addition, students
will gain production and post-production skills and that will help them
create compelling non-fiction video programs that communicate effectively
to a range of audiences.
Course Objectives:
At the completion of the course, each student will be able to:
1. Describe the ways filmmakers distort reality when filming and editing, and explain how some distortion is an inevitable part of the process of making non-fiction film.
2. Define non-fiction film in terms of those elements that all documentaries have in common.
3. Describe the ethical considerations that must be faced when creating a non-fictional film or video.
4. Describe the differences in impact between a fictional and non-fictional film.
5. Describe the major similarities and differences among modes of documentary programs, and cite examples from each type.
6. Create documentary video using a variety of stylistic approaches and understand the implications of choices made in pre-production, production and post-production.
7. Manage the technical tasks required to make non-fiction video.
There is no comprehensive text for this course. Readings will be handed
out in class.
Course Outline: (jump
to September) (jump to October)
(jump to November)
August 16 |
Modes of Representation
Discuss The Lens, the Eye and the I: Self Portrait Project I |
August 23 |
Topics and techniques: the explosion of forms
The Lens, the Eye and the I: Self Portrait Project I due |
August 30 |
Interview techniques
Discuss Interview assignment |
Ten Images Assignment: A Sense of Place due |
September 13 |
(Documenting already structured reality:
concerts, lectures
Discuss Response to Current Events |
Interview assignment due |
September 20 |
Propaganda and the News
Response to Current Events due |
September 27 |
Documenting conflict
News Analysis due |
October 4 |
Documentary and history
October 18 |
Documentary as personal exploration
Conflict/History Project due |
October 25 |
Documenting the human soul
Self-portrait project II due |
November 1 |
Documenting art and live events
November 8 |
Mediated Reality
Documenting the Creative Arts Porject due (counts double) |
November 15 |
Persuasion and point of view
Mediated reality project due |
November 29 | Documentary and change
Persuasion project due |
Final Presentations: Saturday, December 8, 12- 2 |
Production/analysis projects. (70%) Each Thursday, you will be given an assignment that will give you an opportunity to explore in more depth the ideas we have covered in class and/or to practice some hands-on production skills. A word-processed one-page narrative reflection connecting the production process to the films viewed the previous week is expected. These projects may be completed alone, or when noted, in groups of up to three; when completed in groups, each person should submit his or her own narrative. The projects will be due the following week and will be graded on a three point scale according to the following criteria:
Please Complete a Self Evaluation Form for each project you turn in.
28-36 points = A
26-27 points = A-
24-25 points = B+
22-23 points = B
20-21 points = B-
18-19 points = C+
16-17 points = C
14-15 points = C-
12-13 points = D+
10-11 points = D
8-9 points = D-
<8 points = F
Final Presentations. (15%) Each student will prepare a compilation tape of clips of his or her work over the course of the semester, as well as a written reflection on this work. It is expected that this reflection will connect the production work to the viewings and readings completed in class and show a developing sense of the student as critic, producer and videographer.
Class preparation, participation and attendance. (15%) The discussions and interactions that take place in the classroom are an important part of this course. At times you will be asked to read, write or view something outside of class in order to be prepared for a discussion or activity. Class participation will also include oral and written feedback on other students' work. Since there are a number of activities that we will do as a class that will be difficult to make up if you are absent, it is important that you make every effort to come to every class. Please tell me if you know in advance that you are going to miss a class so I can fill you in on what you need to do. Missing class without contacting me, or missing class frequently (even if you let me know) will affect your grade.
A final note on grades: Education is not about grades but about
learning. However, learning requires feedback, and an evaluation component
in education is one way to give feedback. Still, I consider your grade
only a part of this feedback; in many cases, you will learn more from the
specific written or verbal evaluation of your work. If you are not happy
with your grade on any project in this course, I encourage you to rework
it and resubmit it. In addition, since it is my goal to help create the
best learning environment possible, I strongly encourage you to give me
feedback about the class as we go.