Some spectrographs do not have Gaussian line-spread functions, and so the
programs BSMOOTH2, BFLXSM2 and SMOOTH2 will not give satisfactory results. In
some cases, there is no substitute for writing your own smoothing program
incorporating the measured linespread function of your spectrograph,
especially if the function is asymmetrical. However, if you need a
linespread function that has more ``wing'' than a Gaussian, you might
find CUSTOMSM useful. This program convolves the synthetic
spectrum with a hybrid linespread function made from a weighted mean
of a Gaussian and a Lorentzian profile. The Lorentzian profile has
much broader wings & a narrower core than a Gaussian. In addition to
inputing the
information required with SMOOTH2, CUSTOMSM needs a ``line-shape parameter''
which runs from
. When that parameter is 0, the
linespread function is a pure Gaussian; when it is 1 it is a pure
Lorentzian. Experimentation is required to get the best fit. CUSTOMSM,
like SMOOTH2, is only for ascii spectra. It can be used in both the
prompt mode and the command-line mode. Use the command-line mode format:
customsm input output input_spacing resolution output_spacing line_shape