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The script spectrum_sh.tcl, which should be in your SPECTRUM
is a Tcl/Tk graphical user interface for SPECTRUM. If you ran the
make install script in §
the script spectrum_sh.tcl
should have been placed in /usr/local/bin. If you can't run it,
it may be necessary to get root permission and then to change the
mode so that the file is executable.
This shell may be invoked by typing at the prompt:
> spectrum_sh.tcl
The GUI will come up and should look like Figure
The Tcl/Tk GUI for SPECTRUM.
The buttons on the top row can be used to select the atmosphere model, the
atomic data file (stdatom.dat), the isotope definition file
(isotope.iso), the spectral linelist and the output file. The
computation parameters are self-explanatory and must be supplied. The
shell enables the user to apply a number of switches which control the
operation of SPECTRUM. Please read §
to understand the meaning
of these switches. On the first row, the default output (Normalized
Intensity), absolute flux, or center of disk switches can be set
(corresponding to: no switch, f and m, respectively). On the second row,
the isotope mode may be turned on (the isotope definition file must have
been selected above) and/or the facility to read ATLAS9 default headers
(switch t) can be selected. If selected, the output spectrum may then be
smoothed using MACTURB (which convolves the spectrum with a macroturbulent
velocity line profile), AVSINI, which rotationally broadens the output
spectrum, and SMOOTH2, which convolves the output spectrum with a Gaussian
function. To execute, press the Execute button. To see the progress
as SPECTRUM steps through the wavelength region, click the Progress
check box. Pressing Quit will exit the shell.
Please note that this shell is not absolutely foolproof. Please pay very
close attention to the ``*'''ed boxes - i.e. the isotope box and the output
spacing box for the Smooth option.
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