SPECTRUM and selected auxiliary programs can be run under Windows using
the precompiled binaries available on the distribution page. These
binaries were compiled using MinGW (http://www.mingw.org/). It
is not necessary for you to download and install MinGW to use these
binaries, however, as they will run in a DOS (or C prompt) window.
The binaries come in the form of a zipfile, spectrumXXX.zip,
which should be downloaded and unzipped in a folder. I
recommend that these binaries be installed in a folder directly
under the c: prompt, for instance, c:spectrum,
instead of under ``My
Documents'', as the blanks that are permitted in Windows folder and
file names are not fully compatible with a program written for a
Linux/UNIX environment. You will also have to install the file stdatom.dat, the linelist file, and the stellar atmosphere models
into the same directory.
These executable binaries all have the extension .exe, and were
compiled under XP. They should operate under Vista, but I have not
had the opportunity to test them. To run SPECTRUM open a C: prompt
window, and change to the spectrum directory (for instance,
cd c:spectrum). To carry out the test outlined in the next
section, simply type spectrum at the prompt and respond
appropriately to all of the questions.
SPECTRUM may be run under Windows using a GUI. Please see §
for more information.