Night Messengers
A.D.T. Messenger Boy. 10 P.M. Indianapolis, Ind. , 08/1908
NAIL Control Number: NWDNS-102-LH-117
Night shift, A.D.T. Messengers, 10 P.M. Indianapolis, Ind. , 08/1908
NAIL Control Number: NWDNS-102-LH-123
8 P.M. Flashlight photo of messengers absorbed in their usual game of
poker in the "Den of the terrible nine."
(Waiting room for Western Union Messengers, Hartford, Conn.) , 03/05/1909
NAIL Control Number: NWDNS-102-LH-592
NOTE: 8 P.M. Flashlight photo of messengers absorbed in their usual
game of poker in the "Den of the terrible nine."
(Waiting room for Western Union Messengers, Conn.) They play for money.
Some lose a whole months wages in a day and then are afraid to go home.
The boy on right hand has been messenger for 4 years.
Began at 12 years of age. He works all night now. During an evening's
conversation he told me stories about his
experiences with prostitutes (to whom he carries messages frequently)
that were revolting. Hartford, Conn.
Western Union Messengers on night duty, 10:30 P.M. Left to right, Joseph
Strassburg (had just gotten off), Leo Lipschitz,
Robert Strassburg (brother of Joseph). Boys could not be over 12 years
old. Albany, N.Y., 02/12/1910
NAIL Control Number: NWDNS-102-LH-1279
Richard Pierce, Western Union Telegraph Co. Messenger No. 2.
14 years of age. 9 months in service, works from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Smokes and visits houses of prostitution. Wilmington, Del. , 05/1910
NAIL Control Number: NWDNS-102-LH-1521
A. D. T. Boys. "They all smoke." Birmingham, Ala. , 11/23/1910
NAIL Control Number: NWDNS-102-LH-1811
Group of dime messenger service boys , 04/11/1912
NAIL Control Number: NWDNS-102-LH-2911
Note: Group of dime messenger service boys. The youngest boys are Eddie
Tahory, 14 years old, said to be a recent newcomer.
From a questionable home. Mother eloped with boader, two children with
They said they never knew when they were going to get home nights.
Usually work one or more nights a week.
Have worked until after midnight. They said that last Christmas their
office had a nine year old boy running errands for them,
and that he had made a great deal of money from tips. They make $7
a week and more sometimes.
Said, "The office is not allowed to send us into the red light district,
but we go when a call comes. Not very often." Washington, D.C.
A.D.T. boy, 13 years old. 1 1/2 years at it. Works from noon till 10:30
P.M. Said he carries notes, etc. Burlington, Vt. , 09/02/1910
NAIL Control Number: NWDNS-102-LH-1098