Tenement Homework

Garment workers.  Katrina De Cato, 6 years old, Franco Brezoo, 11 years old, Maria Attreo,
12 years old, Mattie Attreo, 5 years old. 4 P.M.  New York City., 10/26/1910
NAIL Control Number : NWDNS-102-LH-1309

A family picking nuts.  Mother nursing baby while picking nuts.  Was suffering with a sore throat.
Rosie,3, hanging around; Genevieve, 6, Tessie, 6, picks too.  Make $1.50 to $2 a week.
New York City., 12/13/1911
  NAIL Control Number : NWDNS-102-LH-2703

Father hanging around the house while family works on feathers.
Said, “I not work.  Got some sickness.  Dunno what.”  Mother, Millie, 16, Jimmie 11,
Mary 12, Camille 5 all work.  They said, “Camille can tie feathers, but she don’t want to.”
If all work we make $4, $5, or $6 a week.  Dirty floor. Vermin abounded.
Garbage standing uncovered near the work.  New York city.  12/18/1911
 NAIL Control Number : NWDNS-102-LH-2705

Mrs. Lucy Libertime and family, Johnnie, 4 years old, Mary 6 years, Millie, 9, picking nuts in the basement tenement.
Mary was standing on the open bag holding the cracked nuts, with her dirty shoes on,
and using a huge dirty jack knife.  On the right is a cobbler bench used by a shoemaker in this room.
They live in dark inner bedrooms, and filth abounds in all rooms and in the dark, damp entry.
New York City., 12/06/1911
NAIL Control Number : NWDNS-102-LH-2685

Mrs. Salvia, Joe, 10 years old, Josephine, 14 years, Camille, 7 years, picking nuts in a dirty tenement home.
The bag of cracked nuts (on chair) has been open all day waiting for the children to get home from school.
The mangy cat (under table) roamed about over everything. Baby is sleeping in dark inner bedroom (3 years old).
New York City. , 12/06/1911
NAIL Control Number: NWDNS-102-LH-2687

A "reflection" on the parent. Reflection in looking glass shows the father who has been picking nuts
but refused to be photographed. He is out of work. Tomy, 5 years old, picks some, Minni, 7 years old,
Rosie, 9, and Angeline, 11. Make $3 to $4 a week. New York City. , 12/12/1911
NAIL Control Number: NWDNS-102-LH-2698

Farrell family. They had discontinued the brush making, but sent to a neighbor for materials and
posed for me, just as they had been doing it. The little 5 year old on the right is very deft.
Her eyes seemed to be troubling her. The father complained of
the little money there was in the work. New York City., 02/05/1912
NAIL Control Number: NWDNS-102-LH-2827

8 P.M. and not yet finished. The little one on left is not yet 4 years old, yet she works on flowers all day
and sometimes until 8 or 9 P.M at night. In spite of a sore throat, she was working steadily
all the time I was there, - occasionally dropping a sigh that was very pathetic. Father said she likes to work.
Oldest sister (who makes 6 dozen wreaths a day), said the little one makes
one dozen wreaths a day. New York City. , 02/09/1912
 NAIL Control Number: NWDNS-102-LH-2875

Making garters (armlets). A Jewish family and neighbors working until late at night. This happens several
nights in the week when there is plenty of work. The youngest work until 9 P.M.
The other until 11 P.M. or later.  7 year old Sarah, next is 11 year old sister, 13 year old brother.
On left is 7 year old Mary and 10 year old Sam, and next to the mother is 12 year old boy.
The last three are neighbors' children. Father is out of work and
helps make garters. New York City. , 02/27/1912
 NAIL Control Number: NWDNS-102-LH-2881

Making dresses for Campbell kids dolls in a dirty tenement. The older boy, about 12 years old, operates the
machine when the mother is not using it, and when she is using it, he helps the little ones break the threads. New York City., 03/11/1912
NAIL Control Number: NWDNS-102-LH-2894

Malestestra. Get 6 [cents] a gross and make regularly from 10 to 12 gross a day.
Malestestra has been ill for 2 years, and can do no heavy work.
But makes artificial flowers all day. Mr. Malestestra helps because health too bad to work out.
Mrs. Malestestra, Frank, age 14, John, age 11, Lizzie, age 4.
Boys work on Saturday, afternoons and evenings till 10 or 11.
Lizzie seperates petals. New York., 01/05/1908
NAIL Control Number: NWDNS-102-LH-7A

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