- Anyon: "Social Class and School Knowledge"
- Balfanz, Legters, West, & Weber: "Are NCLB's Measures, Incentives, and Improvement Strategies the Right Ones for the Nation's Low-Performing High Schools?"
- Bryman #1: "Social Science Research Strategies"
- Bryman #2: "The Nature of Quantitative Research"
- Bryman #3: "The Nature of Qualitative Research"
- Carreon, Drake, & Barton: "The Importance of Presence: Immigrant Parents' School Engagement Experiences"
- Chan (#1): "Student Experiences Of a Culturally-Sensitive Curriculum: Ethnic Identity Development Amid Conflicting Stories To Live By"
- Chan (#2): "Teacher Experiences Of Culture In the Curriculum"
- Clarke: “Power Through Voicing Others: Girls’ Positioning of Boys in Literature Circle Discussions”
- Creswell: "Reviewing the Literature"
- DeGennaro: “Learning Designs: An Analysis of Youth-Initiated Technology Use”
- Delpit/Baker: "No Kinda Sense" and "Trilingualism" (combined as one document)
- Dowdy: "Ovuh Dyuh"
- Erevelles: "Understanding curriculum as normalizing text: disability studies meet curriculum theory"
- Guba: "The Alternative Paradigm Dialog"
- Gore: "What Can WeDo For You! Struggling Over Empowerment in Critical and Feminist Pedagogy"
- Helfenbein: "Conjuring Curriculum, Conjuring Control: A Reading of Resistance in
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix"
- Henry: "Speaking Up and Speaking Out: Examining Voice in a Reading/Writing Program with Adolescent African Carribean Girls"
- Hinchman: "Why Qualitative Research Continues To Thrive"
- Honan, Knobel, Baker, & Davies: "Producing Possible Hannahs: Theory and the Subject of Research"
- Hoover-Dempsey, Bassler, & Brissie: "Explorations in Parent-School Relations"
- Hubbard & Power: "Questions Evolving: How to Refine a Research Question"
- Jackson: "Multiple Annies: Feminist Poststructuralism and the Making of a Teacher"
- Jacobson, Reutzel, & Hollingsworth: "Reading Instruction: Perceptions of Elementary School Principals"
- Ladson-Billings: "I Ain't Writin' Nuttin': Permissions To Fail and Demands To Succeed In Urban Classrooms"
- Lee: "Making Sense After a National Disaster"
- Manfra & Hammond: “Teachers’ Instructional Choices with Student Created Digital Documentaries: Case Studies”
- Mehra: "Lives in Transition: Stories of Three Foreign Elementary Students from India"
- Merriam: "Being a Careful Observer"
- Merriam: "Case Studies as Qualitative Research"
- Moller & Allen: "Connecting, Resisting, and Searching for Safer Places: Students Respond to Mildred Taylor's The Friendship
- Neuman: "Experimental Research"
- Noll: "Experiencing Literacy In and Out of School: Case Studies of Two American Indian Youth"
- Porat: "Who Fired First? Students’ Construction of Meaning From One Textbook Account of the Israeli–Arab Conflict"
- Perry: “From storytelling to writing: Transforming literacy practices among Sudanese refugees”
- Phillips: "Postpositivistic Science - Myths and Realities"
- Rheinharz: "Feminist Methods in Social Research" (Chapter 13: Conclusions)
- Sandlin & Milam: “Mixing Pop (Culture) and Politics: Cultural Resistance, Culture Jamming, and Anti-Consumption Activism as Critical Public Pedagogy
- Schultz & Oyler: "We Make This Road as We Walk Together: Sharing Teacher Authority in a Social Action Curriculum Project
- Schmid, et al.: “A Human-Computer Partnership: The Tutor/Child/Computer Triangle Promoting the Acquisition of Early Literacy Skills”
- Self-Brown & Matthews: "Effects of Classroom Structure on Student Achievement Goal Orientation"
- Smulyan: "Feminist Cases of Nonfeminist Subjects: Case Studies of Women Principals"
- St. Pierre: "Methodology in the Fold and the Irruption of Transgressive Data"
- St. Pierre: "Poststructural Feminism in Education: An Overview"
- Staples, "Hustle & Flow: A critical student and teacher-generated framework for re-authoring a representation of Black masculinity"
- Stewart, Stewart, & Simons: "The Effect of Neighborhood Context on the College Aspirations of African American Adolescents"
- Ting: "Predicting Asian Americans' Academic Performance in the First Year of College"
- Trofanenko: "More Than a Single Best Narrative: Collective History and the Transformation of Historical Consciousness"
- Tupper & Cappello: "Teaching Treaties as (Un)Usual Narratives: Disrupting the Curricular Commonsense"
- Quinn: "(Post)modern Teachers’ Constructivist Cosmopolitan Selves Making Sense of Soul"
- Weenie: "Curricular Theorizing From the Periphery"
- Zembylas: "Beyond Teacher Cognition and Teacher Beliefs: The Value of the Ethnography of Emotions in Teaching"
- Zembylas & Vrasidas: "Globalization, information and communication technologies, and the prospect of a 'global village': promises of inclusion or electronic colonization?"