Holmes Convocation Center
Appalachian State University
Date and Time: April 22, 2023, 7:30AM-5:00PM
Check-in / Inspections: 7:30 - 9:00AM
Welcome: 9:00AM
Coaches / Drivers Meeting: 9:10AM
Round Robin Begins: 9:30AM
Lunch Break: 12:30 - 1:30PM
Elimination Matches: 1:30PM
Awards: 4:00PM
Robotic sumo is a competition where two robots, known as sumo-bots, attempt to push each other out of an arena using sensors, clever programming, and innovative design. The arena for the contest is a 4-foot diameter circle, and the time given for each round is 3 minutes. Your goal is to create a sumo-bot, that can push its opponent out of the arena before being pushed out of the arena by the competing sumo-bot.
To the top three in each category. Categories will be
elementary school, middle school, high school, and adult.
Categories may be combined or extended depending on
registration numbers.
The Sumo-Bot: All participating robots must be completely
autonomous - that is, acting independently of humans. In the
Lego Category, all SumoBots must be constructed solely from
unmodified Lego building components. See rules below for
details and guidance on Open Category SumoBots.
The Rules:
Lego Category rules (MS WORD,
PDF), Same
Rules as 2000
Open Category
rule (MS Word, PDF), Same Rules
as 2020!
Photo Releases:
The photo release
for the event are here. We will also have forms at the
Send an email to Dr. Eric Marland