Biology 1102
Dr. Neufeld's Section
T, Th 9:30 am - 10:45 am
Room 213

Lecture 9 Notes
Plant Hormones

I. What is a hormone?
    A. A hormone is a chemical produced by the plant that elicits specific reactions in
        certain cells, usually after exposure to only very small concentrations.
        Sometimes a pathogen, such as a fungus or bacteria, can also produce the
        chemicals.  Transport from one cell to another is not a requirement in plants as
        it usually is in animals.
    B. The main hormones are:
        1. auxins
        2. gibberellins
        3. cytokinins
        4. abscisic acid
        5. ethylene
        6. others (jasmonic acid for one)
    C. Let's go through what each hormone does, and how it does those things.
        1. Auxins (I use plural because there are several forms depending on the plant
            species).  Real name is indole acetic acid (has a COOH group, which makes it
            an acid).
            a. In the 1880's, Charles and Francis Darwin performed some experiments on
                how plants perceive light.  Coleoptiles (sheath covering newly germinated
                grass plants) tend to bend toward the light.  They wondered - how and
                where does the coleoptile perceive the direction of light.
            b. They put little covers over the tips of some, over the base of others.  In yet
                others, they cut off the tip.  Only those with intact tips, and without a cover
                over the tip bent.  Whenever the tip was cut off, or covered, no reaction to
                the light.
            c. This suggested to them that the tip perceived the direction of the incoming
                light, and that perhaps something was transported from the tip to the base
                where the bending occurred.
            d. Then, Boysen-Jensen, a Dutch researcher, severed the tip, put it back on
                the coleoptile, but with a piece of agar between the base and tip (agar is
                gelatin and can absorb chemicals and desorb them later) or a piece of mica
                (preventing anything from diffusing from the tip to coleoptile base).  The
                coleoptiles with the mica did not bend.  Those with the agar did, again
                suggesting transport of some compound from tip to base.
            e. Later, in the 1920's, Fritz Went used the cut tips as bioassays to determine
                what the compound was.  He allowed cut tips to exude the mysterious
                compound into the agar, then put the agar back on a decapitated coleoptile.
                If the coleoptile was then exposed to light from one side, it bent, even
                though it didn't have the tip anymore, just a slab of agar.
            f. This showed that some chemical was responsible for the bending, not just
                the tip.
            g. If he put the plants in conditions where the light came from above, or in the
                dark, but put the agar on only one side of the coleoptile, the coleoptile bent.
            h. This showed that most likely, the chemical was moving from the light side to
                the dark side, and that it stimulated cell growth on the dark side, which
                would cause the coleoptile to bend toward the light.
            i. Went named this unknown compound auxin, meaning in Greek, "to grow".
            j. Later the chemical structure was determined from human urine (humans
                concentrate this chemical becuase they eat plants which contain it).
            k. What does auxin do?
                1. apical dominance - the pyramidal shape of pine trees, and the inhibition of
                    axillary buds is due to auxins from the apical meristem.  High
                    concentrations prevent axillary buds from forming, and keeps branch
                    growth in check.  If you decapitate a plant, the axillary buds are released
                    and you get bushier plants - horticulturists do this to make nicer looking
                    foliage plants.
                2. cell division and elongation - auxins stimulate cells to enlarge.  Auxin
                    causes cell walls to get loose so that cellulose microfibrils can slip,
                    allowing the cell to expand due to turgor pressure.
                3. rooting - cut stems will root more readily if dabbed with auxin powders.
                4. phototropism - is responsible for plants growing toward the light.  Turns
                      out that light forces auxins to the dark side, stimulating growth on that
                        side, which forces the plant to grow toward the light.
                5. gravitropism - when plants are laid on their side, the shoot grows up, and
                        the roots grow down.  Why?
                    i. when laid on their side, auxins accumulate on the lower sides of the
                    ii. shoot cell enlargement is stimulated by the accumulation of auxin on
                        lower side, forcing the stem to turn upwards.
                    iii. roots though, are more sensitive, and the auxin on the lower side
                        inhibits growth.  Thus, cells on the upper side grow more, and the root
                        turns down.
        2. Gibberellins - or gibberellic acid (it is an acid, has COOH group on it).
            a. discovered just prior to WWII in Japan by rice researchers.  Plants were
                infected with a fungus Gibberella, causing it to grow tall and then fall over.
                Called foolish seedling disease.
            b. later, the compound was isolated, and found to occur naturally in plants,
                albeit in low (billionths of a molar) concentrations.
            c. causes the following:
                1. stem elongation - dwarf plants have a genetic defect wherein they can not
                    metabolize or produce the appropriate gibberellin.  If supplied from
                    outside artificially, plant will send up tall shoots and not be dwarf
                    anymore.  Also, plants with rosettes will produce a flowering shoot in
                    their second year, due to production of gibberellins.
                2. flowering - can cause some plants to flower out of season if applied.
                3. seed germination - embryo, in response to wetting and higher
                        temperatures, begins producing gibberellic acid (GA), which migrates
                        to a special layer in the seed called the aleurone layer.  Aleurone layer
                        is stimulated to produce amylase, a digestive enzyme.  This breaks the
                        starch in the endosperm down into sugars that are assimilated by the
                        embryo.  Beer industry uses barley seed as a source of sugar for the
                        yeast, and often puts in GA to stimulate the conversion of starch to
        3. Cytokinins - a nucleic acid
            a. people doing tissue culture work were having a problem getting their cells
                divide.  Began looking for a cell division hormone.
            b. discovered accidentally in Folke Skoog's lab by a postdoc, Carlos Miller,
                degraded herring sperm DNA.  Suggested compound was a nucleic acid.
            c. eventually found to be a kinetin.  Zeatin is one from corn.  Coconut milk is
                liquid endosperm, and contains cytokinins.  It was known to cause cells to
            d. what do cytokinins do?
                1. stimulate cell division - without cytokinins, cells might duplicate their DNA,
                    but the cell does not divide, resulting in cells with multiple copies of their
                2. delay cell senescence - cells sprayed with cytokinins remain viable for a
                    longer period of time.  Some insects that build galls on or in leaves
                    synthesize cytokinin analogs that keep the plant tissue around them alive
                    viable for a long time.  Pretty neat co-evolutionary adaptations.
        4. Abscisic acid (ABA) - another acid.
            a. a research group in England found that sap from birch trees, if fed to
                lettuce seed, was non-inhibitor in the spring.  But sap from trees in the fall
                prevented the seed from germinating.  Suggested a germination inhibitor was
                being produced in the fall.
            b. this group thought that inhibitor might be a dormancy hormone, so they
                named it dormin.
            c. another group in the US was studying leaf abscision.  They isolated a
                compound they called abscisin.
            d. each group found their compounds within a few days of each other.  When
                they compared notes, they found they had isolated the same compound.
                Eventually, they decided on the name abscisic acid.
            e. what does ABA do?
                1. closes stomata - under water stress, leaves produce ABA, which causes
                    stomata to remain closed.  Does this by not allowing K+ to build up in the
                    leaf - the leaf remains leaky to them, and hence, no osmosis, no turgor.
                    Prevents excess water loss when there is drought.
                2. maintains seed dormancy - as seeds dry out (think of it as controlled
                    water stress), the seed produces ABA.  As long as the ABA is there, no
                    germination.  But when wetted, the ABA is metabolized away, and the
                    seed can germinate.  Helps the plant make sure it's seeds germinate at
                    the right time of year.
        5. Ethylene - only gaseous hormone (H2C=CH2)
            a. produced from any cell after the plant is disturbed (wounding, shaking, etc.).
            b. requires oxygen and ATP to make
            c. causes:
                1. leaf abscision - although it was thought originally that ABA caused leaves
                    fall off, it now turns out that the responsible agent is ethylene.  Works
                    at very low concentrations (1-5 parts per billion!).
                2. induces flowering in Bromeliads - pineapples are bromeliads.  When smoke
                    nearby sugar cane field in Hawai'i drifted over the fields, it caused all
                    the plants to flower synchronously.  This saved a lot of labor costs in the
                    harvesting of pineapples.  Now, they are sprayed with a compound that
                    the plants metabolize into ethylene.
                3. fruit ripening - as fruits ripen, they go through a stage called the
                    climacteric.  Here, respiration rates go way up, and digestive enzymes
                    break down the unripe fruit, convert starches to sugars, and make the
                    fruit soft and sweet.  This whole process is initiated by exposure to
                    ethylene.  By controlling this in large warehouses, we are able to have
                    ripe apples in the winter.  To prevent ripening, warehouses are depleted
                    of oxygen, and the temperature is lowered.  To begin ripening, workers
                    raise the oxygen levels and temperatures.
    D. Flowering
        1. Plants tend to flower at certain times of the year.
            a. long day plants (LDP) - flower when the days are long, nights short.
            b. short day plants (SDP) - flower when the days are short, nights long.
            c. day neutral plants - flower anytime.
        2. But studies in the 1930's and 1940's showed it was not the day that was
            important, but rather, the night!  Long day plants should really be called short
            night plants, and short day plants should be called long night plants.  Here is a
            summary of some experiments and whether they induce flowering:
            D = 1 hour of day; N = 1 hr of night; V = vegetative; F = flowers.
            The "O" represents a short burst of light in the night or a short burst of dark
            in the day.

                            Photoperiods                                                       LDP            SDP
           DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDNNNNNNNN                                 F                V
           DDDDDDDDNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN                                V                F
           DDDDDDDDNNNNNNNONNNNNNNN                                F                V
           DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDNNNNONNNN                               F                V
           DDDDODDDNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN                                V                F
           DDDDDDDDODDDDDDDNNNNNNNNN                               F                V
           DDDDDDDDNNNNNNNN                                                    F                V
           DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN             V                F

            Summary of results: for LDP plants, any photoperiod that has a short night, whether naturally, or if interrupted by a burst of light (thus creating two short nights),will flower.  What happens during the day does not matter.  For SDP plants, any photoperiod with a long night will result in flowering.  Again, what happens during the day is irrelevant.

        3. How does the plant sense daylength?
            a. leaves are organs that sense daylength.  Exposing the apical meristems or
                stems does not work.
            b. Seems to be some substance transmitted from leaves to apical meristem to
                convert plant from vegetative growth to reproductive growth.
                i. this substance has been called florigen, but never found.  May not exist,
                    but rather, may be a combination of substances.
                ii. travels in the phloem though, whatever it is.  Plants that are grafted
                    together can pass the substance along.  If you induce one plant, all those
                    grafted together will flower, even if they are in the wrong photoperiod!
        4. Phytochrome involved.  Phytochrome is a protein that changes shape when it
            absorbs certain wavelengths of light.
            a. two forms - P660 and P730.  If P660 absorbs light of wavelength 660 nm,
                it converts to the form that absorbs 730 nm light.  If this form absorbs
                730 nm light, it reverts back to P660 form.  This takes just a few micro
                seconds to accomplish - very fast.

               660 nm light------>>>> P660----------------->>>>>>  P730
           730 nm light----->>>> P730----------------->>>>>>  P660

            b. at night, P730 reverts back to P660, but slowly over several hours.
                At first, it was thought that this reversion was how plants sensed the
                length of the night.  After a long night, there were would be less P730.
                But it decays too fast, so this turns out not to be the counter.
            c. may be that circadian rhythms are at work here to allow plants to sense
                night/day lengths.
        5. So, what does phytochrome do?
            a. if you give a SDP plant 660 nm light for even just one minute in the middle
                of the night, it will not flower.  If you follow that up with a burst of
                730 nm light, you can completely eliminate the effect of the 660 light.  The
                plant will now flower.  This shows that phytochrome is involved.  It also
                explains why you poinsettia never flowers in the second year, if you keep
                it around.  It is a SDP.  That means if it sees light at night, it thinks the
                night is short, hence a long day, and won't flower.  Just turning on the room
                light is enough to prevent flowering.
            b. phytochrome also works with seeds - certain seeds only flower if given 660
                nm light.  730 nm light prevents germination.  Suggests that phytochrome is
                involved.  Adaptive value?
                    i. suppose a seed is under a canopy of trees.  The green leaves filter out
                        most of the red (660 nm) light, leaving more far-red light (730 nm).
                    ii. for the seed, this means that the phytochrome will be mostly in the
                        P660 form (high amounts of 730 nm light will convert all the P730
                        form to the P660 form).  This prevents seeds from germinating.
                        Makes sense, because it's telling the seed that it might be too shady.
                    iii. in a field, where there is no overhead canopy, most of the light is
                        660 nm.  This converts the P660 all to P730, and this stimulates seeds

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