Hot Nicole


My Hot Jessie played with this picture of my face...
Ta2dStars, live journal

Hot Nicole

I'm a 23 year-old English teacher at Western Harnett High School.
I graduated from ASU on December 10, 2005, fun times! I'm done with taking classes!
I'm finally a teacher, and it's great!
I've enjoyed helping with the school drama productions as well. We have the
best kids in our program. I'm also looking forward to being the yearbook adviser.
Teaching is the most awesome job ever. For the summer I will stay busy as a receptionist at
the hair salon at JC Penny in Fayetteville. That will be fun! I love new people.

I'm trying to stay to stay active with the Sanford Jaycees. It's a great community service program.

P.S. I don't call myself "Hot Nicole" because I'm stuck up; it's a joke and if you
really know me you know that I call everyone "Hot" or "Hottie" and it really
has nothing to do with actual appearances. Being hot is a state of mind!

Check out page 19.
Updated: Thursday, August 10, 2006. NEW CAR!

I updated the "S & Me" pages a tiny bit. I decided to leave them there because
they were a big chunk of my college life...some caption have changed, that's about it.

Next Page->

Page 1: Intro.
Page 2: School/Family
Page 3: A small Collection of My Works
Page 4: Gardner RA Staff (Fall 2004)
Page 5: Gardner RA Staff (Srping 2005)
Page 6: 8th Floor Gardner (Fall03/Spr04)
Page 7: 8th Floor Gardner (Fall04/Spr05)
Page 8: Friends and ME (p1)
Page 9: Friends and ME (p2)
Page 10: Concerts!
Page 11: S & Me (p1)
Page 12: S & Me (p2)
Page 13: S & Me (p3)
Page 14: S & Me (p4)
Page 15: S & Me (p5)
Page 16: S & Me (p6)
Page 17: S & Me (p7)
Page 18: Spring 2006
Page 19: Summer 2006

What do you think of the site? IM me and tell me!

IM me on AOL/AIM: Ta2dFrog or QtBtSykoFrg

Links to:
Appalachian State University home page
Send me mail!


Little Head, Fluffy, Tragedy, Lord, Snubey, and Vogel

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