Friends and ME!

Check out all the cool people I hang out with...the fun never ends!

Liz, me, and L, we're so hot!

Liz, me, L, and Liz H. hangin' in their new appartment!

CJ loves me to peices:) Definitely a good friend from last year!

We are lobby kids...Ryan is fun.

Me and Jon, 6th floor kid, hangin' out--tryin' to be cool, or so we like to think.

Noah thinks him and his 'shocker' are slick, and Geoff thinks he's gay,
feeling up Noah's man boob--haha.

Yea, we think we're cool.

Jessie, my hot friend in the G-boro.

Rosa has the needle through his fat lip...looks yummy!

Look what HOT Jessie made for me! She's so sweet, and hot.

Neil is a douche bag!

I'm helping grill the steak...ok, so I'm not.

Rosa is the hottest piercer I know!

Liz came all the way to the 8th floor to visit me!

Rosa is such a hottie!
Go check her out for all your piercing needs at Primalisms/Mark of Cain!

Look at the hot bitches who start of my second friend page, is this a trend?
I love visiting Hot L and Liz H. at their appartment!

I don't know what's up with the crappy tint of the picture,
but there's Jon and me with my new ugly hair!

Noah is finally on the site again! Don't we look happy?

Noah, Drew, and Geoff being as cool as they can.

We are so cool that we played Catch Phrase for 3 hours while I was on duty on Oct. 18, 2003.

So, I wake up on the morning of October 19, 2003...getting ready to go to Hickory with
Noah, Lee, and find myself trapped in a wall of duct tape!
Thanks Phil and Jon.
Celes says, "She rammed that thing like a horny stud on an innocent mare."
I would have died in here if I didn't! It was well engineered.

How genius is this? This is what I saw when I woke up...scared me to death!

I can't get enough of this--it's Hilarious. If the flash wasn't on, you can see that
it says "DO NOT DISTURB (They'll be fine)!"
I'm so glad they were concerned about me and my roomie--who was in on it.

How sweet, group photo of the famous Duct Tape Wall!

Jon likes to wear J Ho's cowboy hat!

My poor frog, Big Head, is throwing up his stomach.
No really, he is. That thing that looks like a hot dog
is his stomach hanging out of his mouth...
He finally swallowed his stomach, but I don't know why he threw it up:(

Check out my Fork visual for my History of the English Language class...
Oh yea, I got an A!

Good old Jon is helping us with our floor mural.

So here's the nice huge dent in my car that some jerk left in my car while I was parked at school.

And then I went to a body shop in Lenore, thanks to Patrick, and got it fixed for the most part for free!

It's Jessie and me at her parents' house in her blue bedroom!

We're trying to learn how to play the banjo...Wa-Diddy-Da-Da!

Hot L and Jon looking their hottest.

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