Adam Smith (1723-1790) was the great
Milton Friedman (1912-2006),
philosopher and economist who possibly the greatest economist
is best known for his book The Wealth of Nations. of the 20th century.

*An economics professor explains why
economics is a popular major @ Harvard
*80 year old gets PhD in economics at
University of Chicago!!
* Is UNC Tuition too high?

Timothy Perri
Department of Economics, Appalachian State University, Boone, NC 28608
Phone: (828) 262-2251; Fax: (828) 262-6105; E-mail: perritj@gmail.com;
Web: www.appstate.edu/~perritj
Fields: labor economics, economics of information, & industrial
Education: B.S. (economics), University of Kentucky; M.A. & Ph.D. (economics), Ohio State University
Signaling and Optimal Sorting" August 2016.
"Economists Behaving Badly: Publications in Predatory Journals"
(with Frederick Wallace) August 2016.
"Online Education, Signaling, and Human Capital."
Information Economics and Policy, Volume 36, September 2016, pp.69-74.
"Lemons & Loons", Review of Behavioral Economics: Vol. 3: No. 2, pp
173-188. 2016 http://dx.doi.org/10.1561/105.00000049
"Does Signaling Solve the Lemon's Problem?"
Applied Economics Letters, Volume 23, Issue 4, 2016, pp.227-229.
"Economics of Promotion and Tenure Committees"
February 2015
"Substitution and Superstars" August 2014. Economics Letters,
Volume 125, Number 2, November 2014, pp. 240-242.
"Reconsidering Spence: Signaling and the Allocation
of Individuals to Jobs" May 2014
"Education Cost, Signaling, and Human Capital" March 2014
"Uncle Sam Wants Whom? The Draft and the Quality of
Military Personnel" June 2013
"The More Abstract the Better? Raising Education Cost for the
Less Able when Education is a Signal" May 2013
"Can A Draft Induce More Human Capital
Investment in the Military?" Economics Bulletin, Volume 33, Number 2,
April 2013, pp. 905-913.
"The Evolution of Military Conscription in the United
States." Independent Review, Volume 17, Winter 2013, pp. 429-439.
"Between the Penthouse and the Outhouse: The Sorting
of Economics Professors," Applied Economics Letters Volume 19, Issue 18, December 2012,
"A Competitive Model of (Super)Stars." Eastern Economic Journal ,
Volume 39, Issue 3, Summer 2013, pp. 346-357.
"Deferments and the Relative Cost of Conscription," B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy: Topics,
Volume 10, Issue 1, 2010.
"Garden Leave vs. Covenants not to Compete." Review of Law and Economics,
Vol. 6, Issue 2, 2010,
"The Dilemma of Choosing Talent: Michael Jordans are Hard to Find" (with P. Groothuis
& R. Hill). Applied Economics, Volume 41, Issue 25, November
"The Economics of US Civil War Conscription," American Law and Economics Review,
Volume 10, Number 2, Fall 2008
"The Payment of Professors: Implications for Professorial and Student Human Capital"
May 2008
"Raiding and Signaling in the Academic Labor Market" June 2006
"How Might Adam Smith Pay Professors Today?" July 2005
"Early Entry in the NBA Draft: The Influence of Unraveling, Human Capital, and
Option Value" (with P. Groothuis & R. Hill),
Journal of Sports Economics (2007, Vol.8, No.3, June)

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