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September 11, 2001 was a day of historical significance.  Terrorists crashed two planes into the World Trade Center buildings in New York City.  Other terrorists tried to incur damages at other locations but were thwarted in their efforts.  In an instant, thousands of people were ushered into eternity.  Those committing these acts believed in a "god" and believed they were doing something that would provide them a place in heaven.  There are many questions that arise from this event.  In my opinion, the most important question is what happened to all those who died in the incident, both the perpetrators and the victims.  Of course, this makes it necessary to consider many other questions.  Questions such as: is there a God, is there anything after this life, what is God like, does God have a plan for me?  I don't know the answers to all these questions, but I do know the One who does and where to find answers to these and other of life's questions.  In short, I have a set of beliefs that form the basis of my faith.  I would like to share these with you.  If what I believe is wrong, then nothing is lost.  I've lived a good life and would not wish to change anything about it.  However, if what I believe is right, then there is everything to be lost for those who do not believe, reject these beliefs, or distort the truth.  Can you afford to take the chance?  Anything of such great significance is worth looking into.  Approaching this with an open heart and mind, you too can discover the simple truth.  What follows is a simple outline of in What and in Whom I believe.


There is a God.  There is only one God.  He has always been and will always be.  He created all things.  He is all knowing and all-powerful.  He is perfect.  He is love.  God is God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit; these three are one.  God the Son is Jesus Christ.  On earth, Jesus was fully God and fully man.  He lived a perfect life.  He was crucified on a cross, died, was buried, and rose from the dead three days later.  We know all this because it is written in the Bible.  The Bible is the sole Word of God.  Although written by human hands, it is directly inspired by God, contains His words, and is entirely complete by itself.  Therefore, it is infallible and needs no other documents or peoples to help understand its message.  The nature of humanity is sin and evil.  The consequence of sin is eternal death and separation from God in a literal place called Hell.  God is holy, perfect (sinless), and love.  While God is everywhere, He is also in Heaven.  Heaven is eternal life in God's presence.  God cannot allow sin into heaven.  While He is love, He is also just.  God must judge sin and sin must be paid for.  As man is sinful, we are all destined for Hell.  We cannot try to be "good enough," and hope that God will allow us into heaven.  Nothing we do is enough to pay for our sins.  However, God provided Jesus Christ as a sacrifice to pay for our sins.  Jesus' sacrifice is the only way to receive God's forgiveness and eternal life in heaven.  While the gift of eternal life through Jesus' sacrifice is made available to everyone, each person must accept that gift.  Just as with any gift, one must reach out and take it.  Although it is available for everyone, it is not automatically bestowed on anyone.  Accepting this gift of God's grace is all that is needed to receive God's forgiveness and eternal life in heaven.  Acceptance involves admitting you are a sinner, asking God for forgiveness, believing that Jesus is God's Son and trusting in Jesus' sacrifice as payment for your sin, turning from your sinful ways with the help of Jesus, and confessing these actions to others.  The result will be a changed life and a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and the promise of eternal life.


From this, I believe all those that died on September 11, 2001 went to one of two places: either Heaven or Hell.  As well, all others who have died or will die ended up or will end up in one of these two places.  Where they ended up or will end up was or is their ultimate choice.  It is also your choice.  God provided a way through His Son Jesus but allows mankind free will to make choices.  Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man cometh to the Father except through me."


This is not a "quick fix" to a current problem.  It's a commitment.  It's a commitment with eternal consequences.  However, it is as simple as it sounds.  A loving God would not make it difficult or complicated to have a personal relationship with Him.  God is love.  He loves me.  He loves you.  He loves everyone.  He is just waiting for you to come to Him.  The eternal consequence of rejecting God is eternal death.  Why would you not choose life?