Magazine Ads and You, the Teenager
Aaron Bridges
Purpose:  The purpose of this lesson is to help students understand how advertisements are geared at persuading them.  Advertisers work very diligently to control adolescents’ minds and ways of thinking.  Hopefully this minilesson will give students a better understanding of how ads really work.
NCSCS: 8th grade
Competency Goal 2:  The learner will use and evaluate information from a variety of sources.
2.01 Analyze and evaluate informational materials are read, heard, and/or viewed by:
·               Summarizing information.
·               Drawing inferences
·               Monitoring comprehension.
Time required:  45-50 minutes (possibly 2 class days)
Materials Needed:
·               Vocabulary of relevant terms
·               Enough magazine ads times 4 for each student
·               Materials to make magazine ads - paper, colored
                pens, pencils, and crayons, etc.
Good afternoon everyone, I hope you all had a chance to investigate some magazine ads over the weekend.  Now you were asked to bring in a few ads that seemed to be interesting to you.  We have a lot to cover so I hope you all came prepared to get rolling on this advertisement project.  We will first divide into groups of 3 to 4.  While in your groups you will be asked to: 
·               Create working definitions of the vocabulary list that is on the board.  
·               look at various magazine ads
                making sure the students understand the terms and techniques.  
·               Students are divided into groups of three or four.
               Each group must invent a product and design a magazine ad.
Here is a vocabulary list of relevant terms for advertising:
     - basic message, visual image, medium, catchy
     words, testimonial, bandwagon, positive appeal,
     negative appeal, product character, product
     slogan, product comparison, and repetition.
Sample ads will be made available for students to borrow ideas from in order to get started on their own group’s project.