2002-03 Humanities Series: Clash of Civilizations/Harmony of Cultures

Call for Presentations

The 2002-2003 Humanities Series focuses on the theme "Clash of Civilizations/Harmony of Cultures." Proposals are invited for speakers (individual or team), panel discussions, performances and artistic showings that address this topic.

Possible topics include cross-cultural intellectual movements; shared literary, artistic or religious traditions; cross-cultural relations within national boundaries; current or past international or intercivilizational conflicts (e.g. U.S. and Afghanistan, Israel and Palestine); indigenous resistance movements; postcolonial struggles; exile and diaspora; globalization; the Internet and other cross boundary technologies; intercultural community building; performances of one culture’s classics in another culture. Other topics are welcomed. Sessions will be held monthly throughout the year.

Please send abstracts of no more than 250 words by Monday, April 29 to Susan Staub, Director, Humanities Program, Department of English (2335 or staubsc@appstate.edu) or members of the Humanities Series subcommittee: Harriette Buchanan, IDS (3177 or buchananhc@appstate.edu) and Steve Adisasmito-Smith, English (6928 or adisasmitose@appstate.edu).