Zerbe and Bellas, Chapter 6
Valuing outputs (net benefits) in markets
Large Quantity
- Using CS and PS [Figure 3]
- Using WTP and MC
- Using pre-project prices
- Using post-project prices
- Bias = .5*ΔQ*ΔP
- %ΔP = (ΔQ/Q)/(-PED + PES)
Small quantities
- Perfectly elastic demand
- Bias using the constant WTP assumption if it is a large quantity (see above)
Perfectly inelastic demand (consumers don't have time to adjust)
- Benefit = ΔCS = ΔP*Q
When there are taxes
- Large Quantity [Figure 4]
- Small Quantity (constant MB = perfectly elastic demand)
- Standing
Other distortions
- Price ceiling
- Price floor
- Extra-market distribution