Iceland 2023
During this 16-day field excursion, we will learn about geologic hazards through the exploration of Iceland; a country that is young and raw in its geology. We will venture all along the southern coast of Iceland and up into the volcanic interior before cruising around to the remote northern part of the coutry. We will explore recent volcanoes, lava tubes, hot springs, olivine beaches, glacial bays, waterfalls, and alpine canyons. We will see a country heated and powered almost exclusively by hydro and geothermal power. The trip is camping and hiking intensive and the weather can be epic, so be ready for a challenge and an adventure.

This course is offered with a total of six (6) credits. Four (4) of them are GLY-1103 or GLY 2500 credits and two (2) optional HPC-3538 Leadership and Expedition Support credits. The optional HPC credits will involve additional work, evaluations, and outside reading. Weekly pre-departure lectures and workshops will be held at a time (TBD) from March through the end of the semester.

Signing Up
All students wishing to sign up need to speak directly with Brian Zimmer in Rankin Science South 108B (inside the geology museum) before registering. Once registered, you can secure your spot on the trip by paying your $300 deposit. Once 14 deposits have been paid, the course closes.
*Program dates are tentative. Appalachian reserves the right to cancel or alter the program format in case of conditions beyond the university's control. The program cost is subject to change pending currency rate fluctuations and the number of program participants.