Eli puts on his shoes at the bottom of the steps. My husband, Randy, has already walked big brother Nathan to school. Now, it's my turn to walk Eli to his school. This is our daily routine.

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Micah, Timothy, Nathan, and Eli at the Rushins house. They are growing up together in our hood.

We share a driveway with our neighbors, the Rushins. When we first pulled up looking for houses with our two boys, we saw their boys on this driveway. We were sold. This is our daily view. We like to call it our commune.


Eli glances at another neighbor's house before school. Is he distracted by our neighbor's dog, Bella, or the morning sparrows?

We have to cross a small footbridge, and it's hard to resist playing in the creek on the way to school.

The church preschool is empty and quiet now, but it will be filled with little ones soon.

This is the front of the church building where Eli attends a part-time, classical Christian school. Nathan attends a public school nearby.


Workers replace shingles on the church roof.

Candy is spilled on the black asphalt parking lot.

Pampas grass lining the parking lot reminds me of when we lived in Alabama.

I make the short journey back over the footbridge. How high is the water today?

The boy scout troop 109 built these steps, plus a clubhouse.

Sadly, when the boy scout clubhouse went up, this old neighborhood tree died. The stump remains.

Nathan's friends often play, I mean, um, hang out, in the garage.

Upstairs, Randy talks to the kids after dinner. He's not always that serious.