Summer Programs for Math Students

Each organization below is seeking applications from undergraduates in the mathematical sciences for a summer program. Most of the programs are REUs (Research Experiences for Undergraduates) partially funded by the NSF (National Science Foundation). Most of these programs are also listed in the NSF's list of REU sites in the mathematical sciences, and in the similar list hosted by the American Mathematical Society. The summer programs consist of 8 to 9 weeks of mathematical activities. Compensation typically includes room, meals, a multi-thousand dollar stipend, and possible travel support. Click on the links in the table below to find more information about the particular programs. If you have questions or need help in applying (downloading forms, getting recommendation letters, etc.) contact Professor J. Blazejewski or Professor K. Mawhinney.

Special Notes:

Program Location Topics and Notes Deadline

All REUs Information on all NSF REUs varies
American Math. Society Mathematical Opportunities varies
Appalachian State U. MELT High school teaching (In-service) May
Arizona State Univ. QRLSSP: Mathematical biology and social sciences 1/31
Baruch College, CUNY Combinatorics, prob, CS 2/15
Brown University Modeling 2/13
Bryn Mawr Mathily-EST: Accepts freshmen 4/2
Carnegie Mellon Logic summer school 2/14
Carnegie Mellon Geometry and Topology 2/15
Carnegie Mellon SUAMI: Applied Mathematics 2/15
Cold Spring Harbor Quantitative biology 1/15
Columbia Univ. STAR: Statistics 4/10
Department of Energy Internships varies
DIMACS (Rutgers) Discrete math, data science, bioinformatics 1/31
Duke Math+: many topics 2/15
Emory Data science 3/1
Florida International Applied Math Pending
Georgetown University Mathematics, statistics 3/15
Georgia Tech Various topics 2/17
Illinois Tech Data science, computational math 1/31
IAS: Park City Motivic homotopy 1/31
Iowa State Discrete math, recreational math 2/15
IUPUI Medical math modeling 2/5
MathWorks Internships, summer internships varies
Lafayette College Financial math, transport equations, graph theory 3/1
MAA NREUP programs 1/26
MSRI (Berkeley) Mathematical endocrinology 3/2
Michigan State Experimental mathematics 3/1 (for priority)
MIT Geometry (online) 2/15
NASA Internships and scholarships Varies
Natl. Inst. of Standards and Tech Multi-disciplinary 1/31
Natl. Research Council Grad student fellowships Varies
Natl. Security Agency Director's summer program (and other programs) 10/31 for DSP
North Carolina State Univ. Modeling and statistics 2/15
Ohio State Univ. ROMUS: underrepresented 1/15
Oregon State University Partitions, modular forms 2/14
Otterbein Univ. Ross program councelors 2/28
Portland State Computational modeling 3/31
Rochester Institute of Technology STEM education research 1/19
San Diego State Number theory 3/1
SIAM-Simons Applied math, computational math 2/7
TUB/ZIB, Berlin Optimization, machine learning varies
Texas A&M Algebra, computation, number theory, probability 2/18
Texas State Algebra, combinatorics, statistics 2/29
Tufts Various topics 3/1
US Intelligence Community Internships and fellowships, grad and undergrad Varies
UCLA Blackwell Institute (African Americans) 1/15
UCLA / IPAM Industrial math 2/5
Univ. of Central Florida Computational math. 2/9
Univ. Chicago Varies 2/9
Univ. Chicago SUMSA: Statistics 2/16
Univ. Maryland, Univ. Park Geometry, harmonic analysis 2/20
Univ. of Michigan Varies 2/03
Univ. of Michigan, Dearborn Analysis and applications 2/18
University of Minn., Duluth Combinatorics, number theory 2/15
University of Minn., Twin Cities Combinatorics, algebra 2/14
University of Minn., Twin Cities Complex systems 2/9
Univ. of Nebraska Sustainability 3/1 (Earlier for priority)
Univ. of Pittsburgh Computational Biology (TECBio) 2/12
University of South Carolina Medical data science 2/15
University of Southern Florida Cryptography, coding theory 1/31
University of Tennessee EDGE Program (women only) 2/15
Univ. Texas, Tyler Algebra, Graphs, Number theory 1/19
University of Utah Math Biology 4/1
University of Virginia Topology 2/15
University of Washington, Bothell Tiling, numerical optimization, image analysis 2/11
University of Wisconsin Biomedical Data Science 2/15
University of Wisc. Bothell Tiling theory, Knot Theory, Matrices 2/11
Wayne State Univ. Computational homotopy theory 2/15
West Virginia University Robotics 4/28
Williams College Various topics 2/1
Woods Hole Student Fellowship Oceanography 2/5
Worchester Polytechnic Inst. Industrial Mathematics and Statistics 3/1
Yale Varies 2/2
Youngstown State For freshmen and sophomores 3/1

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