
My Neighborhood


Please Join me on my daily walk/bike from work to home.  We'll leave Edwin Duncan Hall on Appstate's campus and head over to Cherrybrook Lane in downtown Boone.  To really get into my head, feel free to do what I do during this little jaunt and listen to some music! Click the play button below:

"Hours" by Tycho. Copyright 2011 Ghostly International Music

B. First Baptist Church at the corner of College and King Street stands as a prominent landmark in downtown Boone

C. Some businesses can't quite seem to make it downtown throughout the years.  This location is currently vacant across from the Baptist Church.  It's windows get plenty of use, though.

D. Boone has its fair share of urban tags.  This old stone staircase leads to a vacant lot and is adjacent to the unoccupied former homeless shelter on King Street

E. The corner of Cherry and King features the bustling "rush hour" traffic of Boone, the Earthfare grocery store, and (surprise!) another church (just a block from our house)

F. Even behind the grocery store, beauty can be found if one looks hard enough.  This tiny working dock is always filled with color and activity.

G. The entrance to our street clearly states who lives here.  We moved from 15 minutes outside of town to this little street.  Our kids can ride bikes up and down the road and play in the neighbors' yards.  Our house is in the distance with the low slung white gable.

H. Some of our kids and some neighbor kids making a little bridge across the stream.  Sometimes the swings just can't lure them strongly enough.

I. Our house.  A haven of calm.  Just kidding.  I love the story this image tells:  City water, well used yard, electric lines, small brick ranch, and Howard's Knob in the distance.  And don't miss the next door neighbor's weird white van that has never moved from his yard.  Every neighborhood needs a conversation piece.






A. College life is fairly calm at about 5:00pm along the Belk Library walkway




About Me

© 2017 Aaron Gersonde

Appalachian State University