Lesson Plans

Primary Reader

(Late first grade to third grade)



Read new story.

-Dark Sky for Anna (2-1) Laidlaw basal

I read the first page of the story to Maggie.  Then we began to alternate reading pages orally.  She was interested in the story and made good predictions.  At about the midway point in the story, Maggie began to read two pages to my one.  Her reading was strong as she only needed help with a few words - mostly proper nouns.
Word Study

- Vowel Patterns 

(hit, ride, bird, night)

- Pitty Pat game

- Spell Check

This was our third day on the i vowel patterns.  Today we added -igh as a new pattern, but Maggie had little trouble with it.  She sorted confidently but not quickly, and read each column correctly after placing a word in it.  After column sorting, we quickly played two Pitty Pat games (Maggie loves this game!) and did a spell check.  She spelled five of six words correctly, misspelling only bite (bight).  After another day of i patterns, I think it will be time to move to o patterns.
Reading for fluency

- Two repeated reading trials on Sing, Sack, Sing (2-1), p. 142-144 in Laidlaw basal

Maggie concentrated well on this activity which she really enjoys.  Her reading times were:

Trial 1 = 142 words in 2 minutes

Trial 2 = 158 words in 2 minutes

Writing Maggie wrote for about ten minutes on her story about visiting Linville Falls.  She should complete this story next time.
Read to Maggie.

- Terrible Mr. Twitmyer

Only a few minutes left for this.

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Morris, D. (2006). Lesson plan:  Primary grade reader. Unpublished manuscript.