Nursing History

The mission of the North Carolina Nursing History (NCNH) website is to provide an online resource about the history of nursing in the state of North Carolina. We have selected content to be viewed by anyone who has an interest in learning how professional nursing in North Carolina developed from its beginnings to the present day. This website is offered as a tribute to the dedicated service of North Carolina nurses and their contributions to the health and well-being of citizens of this state. There are two primary goals we have for this project:
- Educate readers about the historical development of nursing in North Carolina through engaging content.
- Assist scholars with research on North Carolina nursing history by offering primary sources in digital form.
In our efforts to provide a useful educational resource, we are reaching out to a broad audience with varying interests and needs. We hope to offer information that appeals to the general public and also meets the expectations of such diverse groups as middle and high school students, college students, university professors, and scholars.
We welcome input from those interested in the history of nursing in North Carolina. Please send information/materials about individual nurses, schools of nursing, nursing organizations and events of significance to North Carolina nursing history that you think would be beneficial additions to this site to Dr. Phoebe Pollitt, RNC at for review.