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Allan Scherlen
Fall 2009 PHL 2800 Library and Information Research in Philosophy [Syllabus]
Research Interests:
(1) evolving trends in scholarly communication, including, evolution of journal and other serial literature, institutional repositories for scholarship and open access to scholarly literature;
(2) collection development issues in the social sciences;
(3) critical examination of social science research methods textbooks, including their information literacy & library skills content as well as their relavancy for practioners.
(4) international comparative librarianship practice.
Journal Articles
“Columns and Blogs: Making Sense of Merging Worlds.” Serials Librarian, 54: 1/2. (2008) Full-text self-archived
Also published in the
Conference proceedings of North American Serials Interest Group (NASIG).
paper was the basis for a PowerPoint presentation delivered at two
sessions co-presented with Bob Nardini entitled, “Column People: the
Future of Columns in a World of Blog” at the 2007 NASIG Conference in
Louisville, Kentucky.
Scherlen, Allan, and Matthew Robinson. “Open Access to Criminal Justice Scholarship: A Matter of Social Justice.” Journal of Criminal Justice Education 19:1 (March 2008) 54-74. [Peer-reviewed article]
“Institutional Repositories: A Good Idea for North Carolina,” North Carolina Libraries, 65:3/4 (Fall/Winter 2007) 76-79 [Peer-reviewed article] Full-text available open-access Full-text self-archived
“The Inside Scoop on Finding a Public Library Speaker,” Public Libraries, 45:2 (March/April 2006) 70-73. [Peer-reviewed article] Full-text available open-access Full-text self-archived
“Latin American Studies Online: A Review of Free Peer-Reviewed Journals,” Serials Review, 30:1 (2004) 56-61. Full-text self-archived
“Seeking Philosophy Journals on the Web: Scholarly, Full-Text, and Free,” Serials Review, 28: 3 (October 2002): 225-231. Full-text self-archived
Truett, Carol, Scherlen, Allan, Tashner, John, "Responsible Internet Use," Learning and Leading With Technology, 24, no. 6 (March 1997): 52-55.
Column Articles
Editor of “The Balance Point” column in Serials Review (alternating issues with Kay Johnson, University of Tennessee). (Nov. 2004- ) Select contributors, write introductions, edit text, author sections or write entire articles.
● “Local to Global: The Importance of State-Level Library Journals,” Allan Scherlen 34:2 (June 2008) Full-text self-archived
●“Celebrating Twenty Years of a Serials Column,” Allan Scherlen. 33:4 (Dec. 2007)
Full-text self-archived
● “Open Access in China” Contributor: Dr. Xiaorong Shao, Appalachian State University. 33:2 (June 2007)
● “The One-Box Challenge: Providing a Federated Search that Benefits the Research Process” Contributors: John Boyd, Appalachian State University, Penny Pugh, West Virginia University; Marian Hampton, University of Pittsburgh; Pat Morrison, Grossmont College; Frank Cervone, Northwestern University. 32:4 (Dec. 2006) 247-254. Full-text self-archived
● “The Weight Of E-Collections And Value-Added Services: Revisiting Assumptions And Practices To Meet the Challenge,” Contributors: Pongracz Sennyey and Albert Joy, University of Vermont. Vol. 32:2 (June 2006)
● “Looking at Journals from Both Sides,” Contributor: Dr. Norman Clark, Appalachian State University. Vol. 32:2 (Dec. 2005) 284-290. Full-text self-archived
● “Finding the Delicate Balance: Serials Assessment at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas” Contributors: Reeta Sinha and Cory Tucker, the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Vol. 31:2 (June 2005)
● “Keeping Serial Bibliographic Records Viable In a Digital Age: Integrating Various Sources of Serial Data to Manage Electronic Resources” Contributor: Michael Norman, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 30:4 (Dec. 2004).
● “Courage of Our Convictions:
Making Difficult
Decisions about Serial Collections.” Contributors: Dr. Larry
Boyer, Eleanor Cook & John P. Abbott, Appalachian State
30:2 (June 2004) 117-121. Full-text self-archived
“Developing Library and Information Center Collections by G. Edward Evans and Margaret Zarnosky Saponaro.” Journal of Academic Librarianship 33:1 (Jan 2007) 151-152. [Book Review] Full-text self-archived
“Daily Baghdad.” Produced and directed by Romain Goupil. (First Run/Icarus Films, NY, 2004) Counterpoise, (Forthcoming Winter 2006/2007) [Video Review]
“Library Collection Development
Academic, Public, and Special Libraries by Frank W. Hoffman and Richard
J. Wood.” Journal of Academic Librarianship,
32:3 (2006) 335-336. [Book Review] Full-text self-archived
“Public Memory: A Film about American Memorials”
Produced and directed by Ann Gerber. (Produced by
Distributed by Cinema Guild. 2004) Counterpoise, 9:3 (Summer 2005) [Video Review] Full-text self-archived
“Argentina: Hope in Hard Times,” Directed by Mark Dworkin and Melissa Young. (Produced by Moving Images Video Project. Distributed by Bullfrog Films. 2005). Counterpoise, 9:3 (Summer 2005) [Video Review]
“The World Stopped Watching,” Directed by Peter Raymont, (First Run/ Icarus Films, 2003) Counterpoise, 9:1 (Winter 2005) [Video Review] Full-text self-archived
“Evaluation of Library Collections,
and Electronic Resources: A Literature Guide and Annotated
Bibliography by Thomas E. Nisonger.” Journal
of Academic Librarianship, 30:6 (Nov. 2004)
508. [Book Review]
Full-text self-archived
“Searching For Virginia Dare; A Fool’s Errand” by Marjorie Hudson (Chapel Hill: North Carolina Press, 2002), North Carolina Libraries, 60:4 (Winter 2002): 120. [Book Review] Full-text self-archived
"The 'Sixth Division': Military-Paramilitary Ties and U.S. Policy in Colombia, by Human Rights Watch" (New York: Human Rights Watch, 2001), Counterpoise, 6:4 (October 2002): 43. [Book Review] Full-text self-archived
"Time Full of Trial: The Roanoke Island Freedmen's Colony 1862-1867 by Patricia Click" (Chapel Hill: North Carolina Press, 2001), North Carolina Libraries, 60:1/2 (Spring/Summer 2002): 35. [Book Review] Full-text self-archived
"Buncombe Bob; The Life and Times of Robert
Reynolds by Julian Pleasants." (Chapel Hill: North Carolina
Press, 2000), North Carolina Libraries, 59: 2 (Summer 2001): 85. [Book
Review] Full-text self-archived
Other Papers & Publications
“Latin Americanists and Librarians: Their Nexus through Technology and Interdisciplinarity,” Paper posted to Latin American Studies Association International Congress Papers Online Archive, September 2001. [Full-text self-archived]
John Boyd and Allan Scherlen, "Not Everything is On the Web, Doggone it; Including the Library in
Your Research Process,” Teaching and Learning at Appalachian, 5:
2000/2001.[ Full-text self archived]
"Report on
NASIG Annual Conference Concurrent Session, 3, Globalization,
Consolidation and the Growth of the Giants: Scholarly Communication, the
Individual and the Internet." NASIG Newsletter 15:3 (Sept. 15, 2000). [Full-text available open access] Full-text self-archived
“Report on NASIG Annual Conference Workshop, 9, Using Metadata Within the Library: Relevancy and Practical Application,” NASIG Newsletter, 15:3, (Sept. 15, 2000) 29[Full-text available open access] Full-text self-archived
In The World Is Watauga?" The Mountain Times, 38 (April 27,
2000): 2 (3 p.). [Feature article about the pursuit of a library reference
question. Currently archived in “Myths & Folktales” section of “Summer
Times,” Full-text self-archived