October 22, 1850
Gustav Fechner's Law "S = k Log R"

But first we need some basic concepts.

Psychophysical Problems Introduced

Fechner's idea was to markoff equally different sensations in terms of the stimuli that produce them. In the picture below:

The World of Stimulation--the Physical World


The Psychic World--The World of Sensation There is NO evidence of a connection between the two worlds beyond the equation. Weber's Law: A jnd is a constant proportion of stimulation (jnd/STD=k)

Fechner's Law Redux

Sensation Level Stimulus Intensity jnd Log S Log jnd
0 10.00 1
1 10.80 0.8 1.033 0.0334
2 11.66 0.864 1.067 0.0334
3 12.59 0.933 1.1 0.0334
4 13.60 1.008 1.134 0.0334
5 14.69 1.088 1.167 0.0334
6 15.87 1.175 1.201 0.0334
7 17.14 1.269 1.234 0.0334
8 18.51 1.371 1.267 0.0334
9 19.99 1.481 1.301 0.0334
10 21.59 1.599 1.334 0.0334

Note: Each stimulus is 1.08 times the stimulus before it. For example, 13.60 = 1.08 X 12.59. The 1.08 stimulus ratio is somewhat obscured because the stimulus intensity is rounded to two decimals.

Stimulus 10 10.8 11.66 12.6 13.6 14.69 15.87 17.14 18.51 19.99 21.59
Stimulus Ratio x 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.08
Sensation Level 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Sensation Increment x 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

A constant stimulus ratio produces a constant sensed increment.

©2002 by Burrton Woodruff. All rights reserved. Modified Friday, June 7, 2002