Class Syllabus

RE 3900:  Principles of Reading Instruction for the Classroom Teacher


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Course Overview

This course is an opportunity for you to learn about the foundations of literacy.  You will examine a theory-based perspective on the teaching and learning of reading and the development of orthographic knowledge in the elementary years.  Practical classroom strategies for addressing the needs of struggling readers will be presented and discussed.

Goals of the Course

  • To work as members of a community of learners who value our collaboration

  • To build an understanding of reading as a developmental process

  • To begin to interpret reading and writing behavior as evidence of progress in literacy

  • To begin to understand patterns of children's word knowledge in assessing conceptual growth

  • To begin to understand and promote growth in reading comprehension and vocabulary knowledge

  • To examine basic and proven methods for reaching the most disabled readers

Course Expectations

This course is an opportunity for you to become part of a community of learners who are committed to learning through reading, writing, discussing, and collaborating.  To be a part of that community, you need to attend every class meeting and participate thoughtfully in all activities.  You also need to complete all assignments in a timely manner.

Academic honesty is expected of all students.  Any work that you turn in must be your own work.  Any ideas, information, or approaches that you use based on the work of others must be acknowledged by citing the appropriate sources.

Grading Scale

A    95-100 B+   90-92 C+   82-84  D    70-76
A-   93-94   B    87-89    C    79-81     
  B-   85-86 C-   77-78  

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