Math Pathways

AppState - PreCalculus Courses

  1. Institution Name: Appalachian State University

  2. Main Course Title and Catalog Description: MAT 1025 Precalculus (4 hours) - An overview of algebraic concepts and a thorough treatment of functions such as rational, logarithmic, exponential, and trigonometric. Included will be a rigorous treatment of analytic geometry. 

  3. Support Course Title MAT 1535 Precalculus Support (1 hour)

  1. Approximate yearly enrollment in course: 15

  2. Approximate size of each section of course: 15

  3. Approximate percentage of students in main course that are enrolled in course: 4.5% (15 out of about 330) for first course run 

  4. Contact hours per week for course: 1 hour per week

  5. How students are chosen for course: All students enrolled in Precalculus are sent an email describing the course and students self-select.

  6. Goals/Learning outcomes of course (what is the support course targeting?)

  • Reinforce algebraic skills needed for Precalculus

  • Review basic knowledge of linear, polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric functions

  • Monitor their learning of Precalculus and actively seek out resources for assistance when needed

  • Practice writing mathematics (especially material in Precalculus) using correct and complete notation and illustrating all necessary justification

  • Practice verbally communicating mathematics to peers in the class

  • Practice reading mathematical texts and develop strategies for learning mathematical content from the Precalculus textbook

  • Develop strategies for learning and retaining mathematics

  1. Assessment of course – personal evaluation of strengths and weaknesses

Assessments (Tests, modules, other): Weekly journal prompts, weekly take-home assignments (minimal work) reinforcing current topics from class or reflection on course/previous habits, Zoom polls, in-class activities (Desmos student activities), required count of participation/attendance, minimum required count of documented visits to office hours and/or tutoring labs

Strengths: able to discuss study skills beyond mathematics, self-reflection on previous math ability, current practices/skills, small class size for more interaction

Weaknesses:  only one hour per week so limited with class time and live discussion, delivered synchronously through Zoom due to pandemic (1st semester taught) so not as much student-on-student interaction as initially planned, students with different instructors often times in different areas of curriculum (also made it hard to gauge emphasis on topics placed by various instructors)

  1. Materials used: re-emphasize usage of online homework/test manager used for target course course, various Google apps (Docs, Forms, Jamboard), UNC System Digital Resources/Activities


  1. Any details about your course you wish to share? First semester offering for Fall 2020 was delivered remotely via Zoom