Rowan-Cabarrus - Statistics 152
Institution Name: Rowan-Cabarrus Community College
Main Course Title and Catalog Description: MAT 152 -Statistical Methods I (4 hours): This course provides a project-based approach to introductory statistics with an emphasis on using real-world data and statistical literacy. Topics include descriptive statistics, correlation and regression, basic probability, discrete and continuous probability distributions, confidence intervals and hypothesis testing. Upon completion, students should be able to use appropriate technology to describe important characteristics of a data set, draw inferences about a population from sample data, and interpret and communicate results.
Support Course Title and Catalog Description: MAT 052 - Statistical Methods 1 Support (2 hour): This course provides an opportunity to customize foundational math content specific to Statistical Methods I. Topics include developing the academic habits, learning strategies, social skills, and growth mindset necessary to be successful in mathematics. Upon completion, students should be able to build a stronger foundation for success in Statistical Methods I by obtaining skills through a variety of instructional strategies with emphasis placed on the most essential prerequisite knowledge.
Approximate yearly enrollment in support course (if known): 50 students
Approximate size of each section of support course: 10-12 students
Approximate percentage of students in main course that are enrolled in support course: 15% (50 out of about 400)
Contact hours per week for support course: 1 hour class and 2 hours of lab per week
How students are chosen for the support course: required for students with certain GPA; other self-select
Goals/Learning outcomes of support course (what is the support course targeting?):
Assessment of support course – personal evaluation of strengths and weaknesses:
Strengths: Reading comprehension and technology skills are emphasized. Consulted with English faculty in developing reading comprehension material. Use group work to build teamwork and problem solving skills. Encourage curriculum support. Meet with the support instructor 3 times per semester - establishes good rapport with support students.