Appalachian State University
Stop Kiss by Diana Son
Department of Theatre and Dance
hate crime
box office

Production Design

Theatrical designers create sketches and renderings to illustrate their plans for their designs. Such images help the director and other members of the design team visualize the final product and help the techinical director, set construction crew, painters, costume shop supervisor, and costume construction crew achieve that product.

The images below are computer-generated renderings of the Stop Kiss set by Mike Helms, the scenic designer for this production, and hand-drawn sketches of some of the costumes by Martha Marking, the costume designer for this production.

Apartment Rendering
Rendering and design copyright Mike Helms, 2010
Hospital room image
Rendering and design copyright Mike Helms, 2010
Graffiti image
Rendering and design copyright Mike Helms, 2010
Sara sketch
Sketch and design copyright Martha Marking, 2010
Callie sketch
Sketch and design copyright Martha Marking, 2010
Peter rendering
Sketch and design copyright Martha Marking, 2010


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