Online Course Syllabus

RE 5710-376 (Monday), Seminar in Reading/Language Arts Research

Hickory Metropolitan Higher Education Center

Appalachian State University

Spring, 2005


Instructor: Dr. Gary Moorman
223C  EDH
Hours: M &W : 10:00-12:00
T & Th: 2:00-3:30
and by appointment
Phone: (828) 262-6066
Class meets: Monday, 5:00-7:30, Room 1121, Hickory Metropolitan Higher Education Center



The Graduate Bulletin's description of this class: Current theory and research in reading and the language arts are examined. Students select a topic in which to pursue in-depth study and then their newly-acquired knowledge is applied to classroom teaching. Emphasis is placed on assisting teachers to be leaders in school settings. This course should be taken at the end of the Master of Arts program.

Professor Moorman's perspective: Several years ago, the ASU Reading Program redesigned the Masters program to meet requirements for Advanced Licensure in Reading Education. One of the outcomes of this revision was the elimination of Comprehensive Exams in favor of the Product of Learning. Traditionally, Comps have served two purposes: First, to review the content of the degree program, and second, to provide an opportunity for students to deeply examine a topic that they encountered during the program. It was decided that the Seminar class would replace the traditional exam. Therefore, the purpose of this course is to review and extend the knowledge you have acquired in the program.




Course Hompage:

HANDBOOK OF READING RESEARCH, VOLUME III (now required text in all Masters Reading Classes): available online at Erlbaum Publishing and International Reading Association


ASU Library Resources:

Distance Learning Library Services

Virtual Research @ ASU Libraries: A Guide for Off-Campus Students

Reading Online






Students will:
    • Review the knowledge they have acquired during all courses in their Masters Program
    • Apply that knowledge to their current practice.
    • Identify a topic of interest related to the program and examine the topic in depth.
    • Develop a professional identity that includes assuming leadership roles in their schools and communites.
    • Engage in professional dialogue and reading that will increase their professional knowledge base.
    • Develop a voracious appetite for professional reading
    • Develop increased skill in reading, writing, computers and telecommunications technology.
    • Use their understanding of literacy to conceptualize and implement sound instructional practices.
    • Enjoy the course.



Multiple methods of instruction will be used: lecture, discussion, workshops, cooperative groups, and independent study. Web-assisted instruction will be used extensively.  Students will take an active role as peer instructors in the class.


I will make every effort to conduct scheduled classes. However, weather can create some interesting situations. I have no intention of risking my life or yours for this class. I will post a message on the class listserv anytime I postpone or cancel class. You should check your email at some point each Monday before class. You should also feel free to call me in my office or email me if you have any doubts. Under no circumstances should you take risks to come to class; death due to accidents caused by bad weather will result in a low grade for the class.

In the event class is cancelled (either by me or because the Hickory Metro Higher Education Center is closed), Extension and Distance Education will post a notice on their website. The direct link is:


I am open to negotiating a grading system to fit your needs and the course content. As of now, I intend to use a traditional A, B, C, D, F system with the following weight on each assignment.

NCLB Position Statement


Question One
Question Two
Community of Practice Participation


A course calendar and assignments will evolve as the class progresses. I've started a preliminary calendar; dates and assignments are tentative. You should ALWAYS check the calendar before class.

updated January, 2005