RE 5710-376 (Monday), Seminar

Calendar and Assignments

Return to Syllabus

In Class Activities
(Completed by this date)
January 10  
Januray 17
  • No class (MLK Holiday)

January 24






  • Discuss Questions One and Two
  • Seminar on NCLB
  • Writers' Workshop
  • Submit a three paragraph summary/reaction to the Linn article on the Online Community Forum . Respond to at least one of your classmates.
  • Review Exam Question One and Question Two; be prepared to offer suggestions for improving the questions.
  • Write a draft of your NCLB position paper.
  • Make sure your five minute presentation for the class is ready.
January 31    
February 7    
February 14 no class  
February 21 no class  
February 28   Question One due
March 7 Spring Break  
March 14    
March 21    
March 28 Easter Break  
April 4    
April 11    
April 18    
April 25 last class