Origins of Order: Revealing Order

David Lynn, Emory Unversity
Jim Nagy, Emory Unversity
Katrina Palmer, Appalachian State University
Lisa Perrone, Tufts University

Can you tell what this image is? Roll your mouse over it to see the restored image.

Can you read this license plate? Can you read it after it has been restored? Roll over it and see!

Our research is image restoration, that is, we take blurred and noisy digital images and use mathematics to make them clearer, like the examples above.
We have taught a 3-week unit about Image Restoration as a part of freshman seminar. This web page contains the materials we used during the course.

Be sure to read the accompanying article for suggestions on when to give examples/discussion beyond what's provided in the documents below.

Convolution: Convolution is the mathematical operation that represents the blurring process.
Introduction to Convolution Text
Introduction to Convolution Problems
Introduction to Convolution Lab Assignment
Convolution Text
Convolution Problems
Convolution Lab Assignment

Linear Algebra and Matlab: These handouts are used to help the students learn the basics of Matlab and Linear Algebra.
Introduction to Matlab
More Matlab
Reading and Displaying Images in Matlab

Experimental Restorations: This contains problems to help restore a left-blurred image (the license plate above is a left motion blur).
Deblurring Problems

Statistics: These handouts help with the basics of random numbers, probability distributions and the Monte Carlo method.
Introduction to Random Numbers
Lab Assignment

[1] J. Nagy, K. Palmer, and L. Perrone. Iterative Methods in Image Restoration: An Object-Oriented Approach. Num. Algor., v. 36, pp. 73-93, 2003.

[2] D. O'Leary and J. Nagy. Image Deblurring: I Can See Clearly Now. Computing in Science & Engineering, IEEE CS and AIP pub., D. O'Leary ed., pp. 2-4, 2003.

[3] Using Matlab, Version 6. The Math Works, Inc., 2003

[4] RestoreTools: An Object-Oriented Matlab Package for Image Restoration, 2002.

[5] M. Bertero and P. Boccacci. Introduction to Inverse Problems in Imaging. IOP Publishing Ltd., London, 1998.