Ball Juggling
The Path to Ball Juggling Mastery
Grasshopper (must complete every step)
- Cascade (20 catches)
- Two in one hand (6 catches)
- Half shower (6 catches)
- Reverse Cascade (6 catches)
- Tennis (back and forth two times)
- 2 fancy starts
- 2 fancy finishes
- 1 drop recovery
Apprentice (Pick 4)
- 1 up, 2up, 1 up, 2 crossing
- 1 up 360 (6 catches after spin)
- 180 degree turn
- Yo-Yo (5 reps)
- Factory (5 reps)
Padawan (Pick 3)
- Under the leg (4 throws total, alternating)
- Over the shoulder (1 throw each side)
- Behind the back (1 throw each side)
- Body bounce (3 parts, non-continuous)
Journeyman (Pick 4)
- Windmill (10 catches)
- Overhead cascade (10 catches)
- Full Shower
- Claw catches (6 continuous)
- Penguin catches (4 continuous alternating)
Adept (Pick 4)