

The Path to Diablo Mastery

Grasshopper (complete every step)

  1. Big Cup
  2. Small Cup
  3. Middle Cup
  4. Candle (hold spike, middle cup)
  5. Moshikame (alternating big cup, middle cup, 3x)
  6. Knee Bounce (big cup, knee bounce, big cup)
  7. Elbow Bounce (big cup, elbow bounce, big cup)
  8. Small Cup, Middle Cup, Big Cup (and back)

Apprentice (All)

  1. Small Cup, Middle Cup, Big Cup (and back 3x)
  2. Big Cup, Spike
  3. Pull Up and In (lift ball to spike)

Padawan (Pick 3)

  1. Airplane (holding ball, swing to spike)
  2. Around Japan (small cup, big cup, spike)
  3. Spike, Big Cup, Spike
  4. Swing Up and In (swing ball to spike)

Journeyman (pick 3)

  1. Slip on Stick (side catch, roll to spike)
  2. Earth Turn (swing up and in, 360 spike)
  3. Around the World (All cups - spike)
  4. Lighthouse (hold ball, lift to middle cup, balance 5 sec.)

Adept (pick 3)

  1. Jumping Stick (airplane, 360 airplane)
  2. Pinky Spike, Big Cup, Spike
  3. Handle Flip (bigĀ  cup, handle flip, big cup)
  4. Bird

Master (Pick 3)

  1. Falling (lighthouse, 180 airplane)
  2. Bird Over the Valley
  3. One Turn Airplane (hold ball, swing 360 to spike)
  4. One Turn Lighthouse