The Path to Diablo Mastery
Grasshopper (complete every step)
- Big Cup
- Small Cup
- Middle Cup
- Candle (hold spike, middle cup)
- Moshikame (alternating big cup, middle cup, 3x)
- Knee Bounce (big cup, knee bounce, big cup)
- Elbow Bounce (big cup, elbow bounce, big cup)
- Small Cup, Middle Cup, Big Cup (and back)
Apprentice (All)
- Small Cup, Middle Cup, Big Cup (and back 3x)
- Big Cup, Spike
- Pull Up and In (lift ball to spike)
Padawan (Pick 3)
- Airplane (holding ball, swing to spike)
- Around Japan (small cup, big cup, spike)
- Spike, Big Cup, Spike
- Swing Up and In (swing ball to spike)
Journeyman (pick 3)
- Slip on Stick (side catch, roll to spike)
- Earth Turn (swing up and in, 360 spike)
- Around the World (All cups - spike)
- Lighthouse (hold ball, lift to middle cup, balance 5 sec.)
Adept (pick 3)
- Jumping Stick (airplane, 360 airplane)
- Pinky Spike, Big Cup, Spike
- Handle Flip (bigĀ cup, handle flip, big cup)
- Bird
Master (Pick 3)
- Falling (lighthouse, 180 airplane)
- Bird Over the Valley
- One Turn Airplane (hold ball, swing 360 to spike)
- One Turn Lighthouse