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This web quest was developed for fourth grade students in the state of North Carolina to promote their higher order thinking skills while discovering interesting places within their state.  Prior to completing the project, students should have been introduced to the three regions of North Carolina, graphing skills, and the use of the computer as an internet search engine.
Teaching Suggestions


Objective:  The fourth grade student will work in teams of three  to plan a vacation itinerary for a family of four to travel across North Carolina. The student will demonstrate a knowledge of North Carolina, analyze various tourist sites, create a map, and construct a graph on total costs.

North Carolina Standard Course of Study Objectives:

Social Studies (2002):
1.3 Analyze similarities and differences among North Carolina's people, past and present.
2.1 Describe traditional art forms and aesthetic values in North Carolina.
3.1 Describe the absolute and relative location of the state and places within the state.
3.2 Locate in absolute and relative terms major landforms, bodies of water, and natural resources in North Carolina.
4.1 Explain how regions are defined, and identify regions within North Carolina and regions of which North Carolina is a part.
4.4 Evaluate the importance of regional differences in North Carolina.
6.1 Trace the movement of people, goods, and ideas from one part of the state to another and between North Carolina and other places.
9.2 Analyze the choices and opportunity cost involved in economic decisions.
12.2 Assess the influence of an important event from North Carolina's past on life today.

2.1 Use technology tools used to collect, analyze, and display data.
2.10 Use search strategies to locate information electronically.
3.3 Create a table/graph from spreadsheet data.
3.5 Evaluate information found via telecommunications for content and usefulness.

English Lanugage Arts:
2.02 Interact with the text before, during, and after reading, listening, and viewing by:
    setting a purpose using prior knowledge and text information.
    making predictions.
    formulating questions.
    locating relevant information.
    making connections with previous experiences, information, and ideas.
2.05 Make inferences, draw conclusions, make generalizations, and support by referencing the text.
2.06 Summarize major points from fiction and nonfiction text(s) to clarify and retain information and ideas.
2.07 Determine usefulness of information and ideas consistent with purpose.
3.05 Integrate information from two or more sources to expand understanding of text.
3.06 Conduct research for assigned projects or self-selected projects (with assistance) from a variety of sources through the use of technological and informal tools (e.g., print and non-print texts, artifacts, people, libraries, databases, computer networks).
4.02 Use oral and written language to:
    present information and ideas in a clear, concise manner.
    solve problems.
    make decisions.
4.03 Make oral and written presentations using visual aids with an awareness of purpose and audience.
4.10 Use technology as a tool to gather, organize, and present information.
5.01 Use correct capitalization (e.g., names of languages, nationalities, musical compositions) and punctuation (e.g., commas in a series, commas in direct address, commas and quotation marks in dialogue, apostrophes in possessives).
5.06 Proofread and correct most misspellings independently with reference to resources (e.g., dictionaries, thesauri, glossaries, computer spell-checks, and other classroom sources).

1.18  Solve multi-step problems.
2.7  Estimate and measure length using...miles...and kilometers.
4.3  Collect, organize and display data from surveys, research, and classroom experiments including data collected over time.  Include data from other disciplines such as science, physical education, social studies, and the media.
4.4  Interpret information orally and in writing from charts, tables, tallies, and graphs.

Information Skills:
4.01  Identify information needs and formulate questions about those needs.
4.03  Develop a search strategy which includes the continuous evaluation of the research process and the information gathered.
4.05 Gather information.
4.07 Organize and use information.
4.09 Present information in a variety of formats.

Teaching Suggestions:
(1) This project will require cooperation with technology instructor.
(2) Allow four to six weeks for completion of project.
(3) Do not attempt this project until the students are familiar with the use of the Internet and search engines.
(4) Have an example of a completed project for students.
(5) Monitor the project weekly to get a status report from each group.
(6) Guide students during the process by having milestones for completion.

Questions?  Email  Joy Hamrick
                                Carolyn Lee
                                Trish Parker
                                Teresa Thomassen

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