Publications (Manuscripts linked):

Liutkus-Pierce, C.M., Zimmer, B.W., Carmichael, S.K., McIntosh, W., Deino, A., Hewitt, S.M., McGinnis, K.J., Hartney, T., Brett, J., Mana, S., Deocampo, D., Richmond, B.G., Hatala, K., Harcourt-Smith, W., Pobiner,  B., Metallo, A., and Rossi, V., 2016, Radioisotopic age, formation and preservation of Late Pleistocene human footprints at Engare Sero, Tanzania: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, v. 463, p. 68-82. DOI: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2016.09.019

Carrasco-Núñez, Ort, M., Riggs, N., Zimmer, B., De Leon-Barragan, L., Lopez-Rojas, M., 2014. Contrasting eruptive styles of late Pleistocene to Holocene monogenetic volcanism from maars to domes in the Serdan-Oriental basin, eastern Mexican Volcanic Belt. Field Guide for the International Maar Conference, QRO, Mexico, 38p.

Carrasco-Núñez, G., Dávila-Harris, P. Riggs, N., Ort, M., Zimmer, B., Willcox, C., and Branney, M., 2012. Recent Volcanism and hazards at the eastern Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt. Field guide for the Geological Society of America Cordilleran Meeting, QRO, Mexico, 55p.

Zimmer, B.W., Riggs, N.R., Carrasco-Nuñez, G., 2010. Evolution of a tuff ring – dome complex; case study of Cerro Pinto, eastern Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt, Bulletin of Volcanology DOI: 10.1007/s00445-010-0391-6

Abella, S.R. and Zimmer, B.W., 2007. Estimating organic carbon from loss-on-ignition in Northern Arizona Forest Soils, Soil Science Society of America Journal. 71: 545-550.

Zimmer, B.W. and Miyake, Y., 2007. Pyroclastic sequences of Yakadake Volcano. Japan
Society for the Promotion of Science. Tokyo, Japan. 3; 212-216.



Zimmer, B.W., Arlukowicz, P., Montieth, G., Richardson, L., High precision photogrammetry for change detection in non-georeferenced data sets. IAVCEI Scientific Assembly, Portland, OR, Aug. 2017.

Zimmer, B.W., A practical guide to planning and executing a camping-based field course; logistical, economical, and safety considerations in Iceland. GSA National Meeting, Vancouver, WA, Oct 2014.

Zimmer, B.W., Cementing our place in history. Allegheny College Geology Symposium, Meadville, PA, Sep. 2013.

Carmichael, S.K., Heckert, A.B., Cowan, E.A., Hageman, S.J., Liutkus, C.M., Wilson, C.G., and Zimmer, B.W., Educational field trip stops in the Blue Ridge and surrounding areas utilized by the Department of Geology at Appalachian State University. GSA Annual Meeting, Charlotte, NC, Nov 2012.

Liutkus, C and Zimmer, B.W., Modern processes on the shores of saline, alkaline Lake Natron explain paleo lake-margine features. GSA National Meeting, talk given, Charlotte, NC, Nov 2012.

Kevin G. Hatala, KG, Richmond, B.G., Harcourt-Smith W.E.H., Liutkus, C., and Zimmer, B.W. A snapshot of the anatomy, locomotion, and social behavior of early modern humans as evidenced by fossil footprints at Engare Sero, Tanzania. SVP Fall Meeting, Raleigh, NC, Oct 2012.

Zimmer, B.W., Liutkus, C., Carmichael S.K., Hewitt, S., and McGinnis, K., A Snapshot in Time: Determining the age, environment, and social structures of early Homo sapiens using trace fossils in volcaniclastic rocks at the Engare Sero footprint site, Lake Natron, Tanzania. GSA Cordilleran Meetin, Qro, Mexico, March 2012.

Hewitt, S., Zimmer, B.W., Liutkus, C., Carmichael S.K., and McGinnis, K., Field-mapping and petrographic analysis of volcanoes surrounding the Lake Natron Homo sapiens footprint site, northern Tanzania. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Dec. 2010.

Zimmer, B.W., and Miyake, Y., Effusion and collapse, pyroclastic-flow forming lava flows. Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Symposium, Tokyo, June, 2006.

Zimmer, B.W., Riggs, N.R., and Carrasco-Nuñez, G. Evolution of Cerro Pinto dome complex, Puebla, Mexico. Cities on Volcanoes 4, Jan. 2006.

Zimmer, B.W., Riggs, N.R., and Carrasco-Nuñez, G. Eruptive variations during the emplacement of Cerro Pinto dome complex, an ambitious rhyolite dome. American Geophysical Union Fall meeting, Dec. 2006.

Riggs, N.R., Duffield, W.A., Zimmer, B.W., and Cashman, C. Conduit changes and eruptive styles at Red Mountain cinder cone, AZ, USA. American Geophysical Union Fall meeting, Dec. 2006.

Riggs, NR, Carrasco-Nuñez, G, and Zimmer, BW, 2006, Life spans of rhyolite domes: short- or long-term hazards?: Cities on Volcanoes Meeting, Quito, Ecuador, Jan. 2006.