Current Research Interests:
Much of my research now surrounds the use of photogrammetry and Structure from Motion to create digital models of objects or landscapes of interest. Check out the links below for examples of some of the work I do.
Sub-Glacial Volcanism:
Each summer, I take students to Iceland for a field course as well as to collect data and samples for individual research projects. My current research interests lie in subglacial volcanic processes and the products they create. I have a project that looks to determine the eruptive sequence of Torfatindur; a large ridgeline produced by a fissure eruption beneath an expansive glacier.
Palo-Environmental Reconstructions:
Current research in Tanzania is in collaboration with Dr. Cindy Liutkus and Dr. Sarah Carmichael on the Engare Sero Footprint site. At this locality hundreds of early human footprints are preserved in hardened volcanic ash. In addition to providing volcanological context for the footprint site, I also have various smaller projects for students to work on, including characterizing a nearby volcano that is primarily composed of armored lapilli.