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ASU Elementary Science Education Community Home
Statement on Collaboration and Community
Collaborative Presentations
Co-authored Papers
Course Development
Service to the Community
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Letter of Support
Faculty Curriculum Vitae

Collaborative Presentations


We are a diverse group, with different background and teaching experiences; we compliment each other as a team, yet maintain our individual identities within the group.  The CI4401 CoP was originally comprised of Dr. Leslie Bradbury, Jeff Goodman and Dr. Bill Straits during a time when the methods course was housed in Biology. Bradbury and Goodman supported Dr. Lisa Gross as she made the transition from Butler University to ASU.  Three years later, when the course moved to Curriculum and Instruction, Dr. Rachel Wilson was added to the team. 

Unique to this Community of Practice is the range of expertise among members; the collaborative efforts of each individual lends itself to support other team members in varying capacities –from group projects to scholarly works and contributions.  We believe this captures the RCOE Conceptual Framework in regard to our ongoing, active participation as learners and as a group, we engage in meaningful social activity.


Collaborative PD Presentations & Professional Presentations

Our collaborative professional development presentations and professional presentations at conferences are evidence of the “active” stage of development, where members of our CoP have actively engaged in joint activities, from creating artifacts to sharing new information with others.

Recent Presentations:

National conference presentation (ASTE). Feedback from the previous conference and additional data from the FA12 semester provided an opportunity for an elaborated version of the previous study.  “Exploring the use of iPads to investigate forces and motion in an elementary science methods course” was shared at the Association for Science Teacher Education, Charleston, SC in January 2013.  The paper was submitted for award recognition for innovation in teaching, but was not selected as the winning piece.
(Leslie Bradbury, Jeff Goodman, Lisa Gross, Rachel Wilson)

Regional Conference Presentation (MA-ASTE). From our research conducted with pre-service teaching candidates, the CI4401 team has shared their learning, as teachers and as developing professionals, to others in teacher education.  At a regional Association for Science Teacher Education conference (September 2012), a presentation entitled “Using iPads as a tool for exploring force and motion with elementary pre-service teachers” revealed how the team’s actions impacted the development of future educators.
(Leslie Bradbury, Lisa Gross, Rachel Wilson)

Using iPads to Study Force, Motion and Energy Transfer, NCSTA (November 2012, Greensboro, NC). The CI4401 group worked together (again), to plan, pack and present a workshop for teachers, curriculum specialists and pre-service candidates at the NCSTA PDI.  Based on progress made and learning gleaned from iPad initiative, participants were introduced to ways in which this technology could promote science and math learning in elementary classrooms.
(Leslie Bradbury, Jeff Goodman, Lisa Gross, Rachel Wilson)

Sir Isaac N’ Motion, NCSTA (November 2011, Greensboro, NC). The CI4401 group worked together to plan, pack and present a workshop for teachers, curriculum specialists and pre-service educators at the NC Science Teachers Professional Development Institute.  The presentation focused on the NC Essential Standards related to forces and motion; language arts had been incorporated into the activities.
(Leslie Bradbury, Lisa Gross, Rachel Wilson)

Other Collaborative Presentations:

Wonderful Wikispaces: using collaborative software in the science
(November 2008, Charlotte, NC). Presented at the National Science Teachers Association regional meeting.
(Leslie Bradbury and Jeff Goodman)

Using Kid-Friendly Software to Build a Website for Your Science Classroom, NCSTA (2007, Greensboro, NC). Presented at the North Carolina Science Teachers Association meeting.
(Leslie Bradbury and Jeff Goodman)

Picture This! Using Photoessays in the Science Classroom
(2006, Greensboro, NC). Presented at the North Carolina Science Teachers Association meeting.
(Leslie Bradbury and Jeff Goodman)
