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ASU Elementary Science Education Community Home
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Co-Authored Papers

As a group, we view learning as a dynamic activity that grows from our interactions with each other, our students, and colleagues. Together we work “to transform information into knowledge that is meaningful, imaginative and useful” (RCOE Framework). Our co-authored papers reflect our professional sharing of our socially constructed knowledge.


Bradbury, L. U., Gross, L.A., & Goodman, J.M., & Straits, W. (2010). Picture this! Seeing science in the world around us. Science and Children, 48(4), 46-50. (pdf opens in new window)

Prior to the arrival of Dr. Rachel Wilson, the CI4401 team collaborated on a practitioner piece that introduced elementary teachers to the connection between levels of questioning (Bloom’s taxonomic representation), digital photography, and the process skill of observation.  This article was selected for publication in the NSTA Publication, “A Year of Inquiry” (Froschauer, 2013).


Wilson, R.E., Goodman, J.M., Bradbury, L.U., & Gross, L.A. (accepted with revisions). Exploring the use of iPads to Investigate Forces and Motion in an Elementary Science Methods Course. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education. (pdf opens in new window)

This study presented at conferences has been accepted (with revisions) as a manuscript.  With the newest member of the team at the helm, the CI4401 team continues to show collaboration, productivity and their development as individuals and science teacher educators.
