jeff with periscope

ASU Elementary Science Education Community Home
Statement on Collaboration and Community
Collaborative Presentations
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Letter of Support
Faculty Curriculum Vitae

Service to the University and College

As the Elementary Science Education group has developed as a Community of Practice, we have begun to consciously think about ways our work can be useful to other members of the College and University community. In recent years, we have developed models of technology integration and constructivist teaching strategies that we have shared with other faculty. We are also beginning to reach out to groups of teacher education students to offer mentoring.

Technology Expo iPad Initiative Presentation (March, 2012). To further launch the new technologies in the RCOE, a technology expo was held so that faculty and staff would have the opportunity to see how different technologies are used by colleagues within and beyond their departments.  The science team participated in the Expo, demonstrating the utility of the iPad, useful Apps (Educreations, Make a Graph) and other technologies used (e.g. digital microscopes).

5Es Learning Cycle (March, 2012). The science education group was invited by the Hubbard Program for Faculty Excellence to make this presentation on constructivist teaching methods to the Appalachian State University Scholarly Teaching Academy.

Mentoring NC Teaching Fellows and Appalachian Community of Education Scholars (Ongoing). In collaboration with the North Carolina Appalachian Collaborative for Higher Education (NCACHE), the science education group is working with pre-service teachers in the NC Teaching Fellows and ACES programs to help them learn to present science shows to groups of visiting K-12 students.
