graduate summer institute information
appalachian state summer institute in languages and linguistics
  Follow these links for course information as well as descriptions of the week-long professional development/continuing education modules. Download printable brochures for the French/Spanish strands or the German/French strands.

FRE 5025 French Cultural Studies
   M-F 9:40-12:40

GER 3055 Culture and Civilization of Modern Germany (undergrad)
M-F 9:40-12:40

SNH 5026 Hispanic Cultural Studies
   M-F 9:40-12:40

FL Methods
Materials Design for the Development of L2 Literacy Skills
   M-F 1:40-4:40

FL 5525  Product of Learning

Appropriate only for  MA candidates in the K-12 teaching track. This course is graded pass/fail and can be taken as an “overload”  in Summer Session 2.  For more information, please contact Dr. Moser (

Spanish target language work groups share materials from curriculum and assessment class


German teachers collaborate on
classroom activities

Participants enjoy a target language lunch
and French conversation
about the institute
how to apply
costs and housing

appalachian state university